August 01, 2018

Leftists have found a new way to push their agenda on young Americans: comic books

I'm don't read comic books (and never did), but someone at Moonbattery noticed this:

About 5 years ago the Left's destructive strategists found a new way to push their twisted, destructive agenda on young Americans:  Publish comic books featuring lesbian, bi-sexual and homosexual superheroes.  Cuz everyone loves superheroes, right?  

The leftist story-plotters made Thor (guy with a hammer) into a girl (though reader backlash eventually forced them to change him back).  His archenemy Loki is sometimes a bisexual woman.  Major adversarial characters Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Catwoman are bisexual.  Batwoman is a lesbian.  It's reported that a transgender superhero called “Dreamer” will soon be introduced.

Similarly, a Trumpesque villain is defeated by a black female version of Captain America.  Ironman is now a teenage black girl with an Afro.

"Unexpectedly," pushing all these new, hip, "progressive" role models has resulted in sales crashing.  But the leftists running the comic-book publishers are perfectly happy to lose revenue in order to push the Democrat/socialist/"prog" Narrative.

They also know that as quickly as "norms" are changing in this country, in a few years they can expect sales to be back to normal as virtually all young Americans begin to fully accept the "new normal."


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