July 31, 2018

Moonbat liberal chick blocks deportation of convicted Afghan--by refusing to sit down for takeoff

A country's mass media can convince at least half the population that up is down, evil is actually good, all cultures are equal and so on.  They do it by portraying something as "cool", "hip,"  "All the cool kids think X.  Don't you wanna be cool too?"  And of course virtually all gullible people enthusiastically agree.

Thus if a country's mass media decide to support what anyone with an IQ over room temperature can see is an insane, deadly policy, millions of naive, gullible people will drink the Kool-Aid and follow those leaders over the cliff.

Latest example is Sweden, where the media are fawning over a female college student for preventing authorities from deporting a native of Afghanistan to his native country.

The 52-year-old Afghan had been convicted of assaulting a Swedish woman.  He was most definitely not a good citizen.  The dumb liberal moonbat didn't know the man and had no idea why authorities were deporting him.  All she knew was what the liberal media and her liberal teachers had told her:  That importing millions of Muslim males was a good thing, and that all enlightened people agreed with this policy.  Thus deporting one was just awful, cruel.  Unenlightened.

So when she saw this obviously dark-skinned foreigner seated on the plane with Swedish immigration officers, she decided to stop it.

That's news by itself.  What makes it more newsworthy is how she did it:  She told the cabin crew she wouldn't sit down for takeoff unless the Afghan was taken off the plane.

Now, if you or I tried that here, the flight crew would have us removed from the plane.  Seems like the most reasonable thing to do.  But Swedish pols and media have drunk so much of the moron's Kool-Aid that either this never occurred to 'em, or else their superiors ordered 'em not to drag the moonbat off.  Cuz they didn't remove her, but instead did as she demanded.and took the Afghan assailant off the plane.

Let that sink in for a second:  The authorities are doing something completely legal and reasonable, but a moonbat obeccts--so refuses to allow the plane to take off until she gets her way.  And Sweden's mainstream media is literally calling this nut a hero. 

Hopefully you're starting to see  how this response leads to total disaster.

Oh, and in case you think it couldn't happen here: the Washington Post called the liberal student's tantrum a “dramatic act of civil disobedience,” while Newsweek described her as a “hero.”  In other words, our own Lying Media are totally fine with her act.  Cuz Open Borders, comrade.  Gotta stand in solidarity with The Narrative.


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