Man officially declares himself female to save $1,100 per year on car insurance
Totalitarians--like socialists and progressives--believe they can change human behavior in exactly the way they like simply by passing a law or making a rule. The idea that a given law or ruling might consequences simply never enters whatever they use for minds.
But in reality no law has ever been passed, nor a single court ruling issued changing laws, without unintended consequences. Sometimes those consequences are easily predictable--and in fact often are predicted--but that doesn't change the determination of Dems to ram the change thru anyway. Cuz they're reaaaly smaht people, see?
And for an example: Canada has joined the U.S. in adopting a new "rule" of sorts, that any person can "change gender" by simply declaring "Today I feel like a _____." And the funny thing is, this new "rule" has almost certainly never been officially made or put in writing. It just "evolved" due to pressure from social justice warpers and friendly, corrupt judges. But regardless, that's where we are.
So: In Canada a 23-year-old man asked an insurance agent for a quote to insure a new car. Since young men have higher accident rates, the quote was higher than he expected, so out of curiosity he asked the agent what the quote would be for a female of his age driving the same car.
The agent replied that the same insurance would cost about $1,100 less for a female. So right away you can see where this is going, right?
Sure: The slightly smart-ass guy said "Okay, I just decided: I'm a woman."
The agent, who understandably thought he was kidding, laughed and said "You can't just declare that." Guy replies, "I think I can. We'll see."
The 23-year-old, quite happy being male, had no intention of getting a sex-change operation, but he was curious as to what the criteria were to officially change your "gender." Turns out insurance companies have a policy [no pun intended] of believing a person is whatever sex their birth certificate says they are. Okay, so how do you get the gruberment to change your birth certificate?
Astonishingly, the answer the gruberment gave him was: You just need a doctor's note.
So the guy goes to a doctor and tells him he's declaring he's female, and would the doc please give him a letter saying that. Doc plays along and gives him the letter, which he gives to the gruberment office, and voila, a few days later he's got a new birth certificate showing his "gender" as female.
Guy goes to the insurance agent and says "Here ya go. I'll take the discounted rate, thanks."
When interviewed the guy said. "I felt like I beat the system. I felt like I won." And you did, young man. And so did we all, because you helped reveal the insanity of the ruling elites, masquerading as enlightened thinking.
Now follow me here: Try to find a way this guy's procedure can be overturned. Given the widespread insanity the Left/democrats/socialists/"progs" have rammed down our throats here in the U.S.--which is identical to what they've done in Canad--I don't see any way to bar this move, as long as we continue to allow the liberal insanity--which is exactly what it is--that anyone can change his or her "gender" as desired.
Second: Insurance companies have to make a profit to stay in business. So if young men take advantage of the gender-change loophole to reduce their cost of insurance, companies will have to raise the rates on females to compensate.
Okay, show of hands: Who predicted this consequence of allowing people to change genders on a whim?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Interestingly, two months ago the Alberta government officially scrapped the requirement that people wanting to change gender get a doctor's note--because trans activists, and the insane moonbat pols who will do anything for one more vote, are totally determined to remove even the tiniest impediment to changing genders.
But in reality no law has ever been passed, nor a single court ruling issued changing laws, without unintended consequences. Sometimes those consequences are easily predictable--and in fact often are predicted--but that doesn't change the determination of Dems to ram the change thru anyway. Cuz they're reaaaly smaht people, see?
And for an example: Canada has joined the U.S. in adopting a new "rule" of sorts, that any person can "change gender" by simply declaring "Today I feel like a _____." And the funny thing is, this new "rule" has almost certainly never been officially made or put in writing. It just "evolved" due to pressure from social justice warpers and friendly, corrupt judges. But regardless, that's where we are.
So: In Canada a 23-year-old man asked an insurance agent for a quote to insure a new car. Since young men have higher accident rates, the quote was higher than he expected, so out of curiosity he asked the agent what the quote would be for a female of his age driving the same car.
The agent replied that the same insurance would cost about $1,100 less for a female. So right away you can see where this is going, right?
Sure: The slightly smart-ass guy said "Okay, I just decided: I'm a woman."
The agent, who understandably thought he was kidding, laughed and said "You can't just declare that." Guy replies, "I think I can. We'll see."
The 23-year-old, quite happy being male, had no intention of getting a sex-change operation, but he was curious as to what the criteria were to officially change your "gender." Turns out insurance companies have a policy [no pun intended] of believing a person is whatever sex their birth certificate says they are. Okay, so how do you get the gruberment to change your birth certificate?
Astonishingly, the answer the gruberment gave him was: You just need a doctor's note.
So the guy goes to a doctor and tells him he's declaring he's female, and would the doc please give him a letter saying that. Doc plays along and gives him the letter, which he gives to the gruberment office, and voila, a few days later he's got a new birth certificate showing his "gender" as female.
Guy goes to the insurance agent and says "Here ya go. I'll take the discounted rate, thanks."
When interviewed the guy said. "I felt like I beat the system. I felt like I won." And you did, young man. And so did we all, because you helped reveal the insanity of the ruling elites, masquerading as enlightened thinking.
Now follow me here: Try to find a way this guy's procedure can be overturned. Given the widespread insanity the Left/democrats/socialists/"progs" have rammed down our throats here in the U.S.--which is identical to what they've done in Canad--I don't see any way to bar this move, as long as we continue to allow the liberal insanity--which is exactly what it is--that anyone can change his or her "gender" as desired.
Second: Insurance companies have to make a profit to stay in business. So if young men take advantage of the gender-change loophole to reduce their cost of insurance, companies will have to raise the rates on females to compensate.
Okay, show of hands: Who predicted this consequence of allowing people to change genders on a whim?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Interestingly, two months ago the Alberta government officially scrapped the requirement that people wanting to change gender get a doctor's note--because trans activists, and the insane moonbat pols who will do anything for one more vote, are totally determined to remove even the tiniest impediment to changing genders.
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