July 30, 2018

If you're connected you can steal $110,000 and only get ten days of community service

If you're an ordinary American and stole over $100,000, what do you think would happen?

Former Vice President Joe Biden's niece--31-year-old Caroline Biden--was recently convicted on a felony charge for making over $110,000 in unauthorized charges on someone else's credit card.

Then, inexplicably, her felony conviction was thrown out, and she was allowed to plead guilty to the far less-serious of petit larceny, which usually involves theft of less than $50 worth of property.

Wow, talk about bending the law!  How in the world did she get a deal like that?

So last week she was sentenced to...um...10 days of community service at a children’s hospital, and to pay full restitution of $110,810.04.
Biden isn't a stranger to run-ins with law enforcement:  In 2013 she was charged after she got into a fight with her roommate and took a swing at responding cops.  "I shouldn’t be handcuffed!" she yelled. "You don’t know who you’re doing this to!"

The New York Post notes that the charges were dropped and sealed against her in that case.

Wow.  It's almost as if there were two sets of laws in this country--one, with serious punishment, for ordinary folks, and another--consisting of kisses and fawning--for "connected" people.  Or maybe this is the new liberal rule for theft:  If you give the loot back, no punishment.

  Think non-connected people could get that deal?

But don't worry, citizen:  I'm sure this is exactly what the Founders had in mind.

By the way:  Trump had no control over this.  At all.


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