August 05, 2018

Texas's "flagship university" lurching hard left--its prez wants to make men into girly-men

One imagines "flyover country"--the area between the insane east and west coasts--as being relatively sane.  Unfortunately, not always.  Two notably crazy places in flyover country are Minneapolis, and Austin, Texas.

How crazy is Austin?  Well last week a committee of social-justice snowflakes in Austin whined that the city absolutely HAD to be re-named, cuz the guy it was named for wasn't politically-correct.  Just like the SJS's who've declared they want to re-name Washington DC, tear down the Jefferson memorial, sell off Monticello and so on.  And yes, the SJS's have made all those demands.
 The University of Texas-Austin is almost as crazy-socialist as Berkeley--and getting worse by the day.  Example: three years ago the university's "counseling staff" (not academic counselors, of course) developed a program on “healthy masculinity” that purported to tell males how to be...something else.

The program was originally pushed as a means of reducing campus sexual assault and domestic violence.  Instead, as even UT administrators ultimately conceded, it mainly promoted “gender fluidity” and treated traditional masculine roles and goals as inherently pathological.  It
included posters showing young men wearing penciled-in dresses (complete with bustlines) and encouraging UT’s male students to try nail polish and makeup.

UT officials started searching for someone to fill the position of “healthy masculinities coordinator.”   Seriously!  The search criteria was for someone with a master’s degree in “Women’s and Gender Studies” who had an "understanding of…toxic masculinities.”   Cuz who would understand  "healthy" masculinity better than someone with a masters in "women and gender studies," eh?

The program caught the attention of Rush Limbaugh, who asked--reasonably, “So if it’s not a good thing for a man to be a man, what are they going to turn men into?”  Of course no one at UT wanted to answer that question, because...reasons.

It's likely that this insane program--obvious hatred and contempt for traditional male goals--was approved and encouraged by UTA's president, Greg Fenves--a graduate of Berkeley who also taught there.

Fenves has approved the removal of “offensive” historical statuary, fought an expensive legal battle to defend the school’s use of racial preferences in admissions;  expanded a high-paid "diversity bureaucracy" (a staff approaching 100); implemented  campus speech codes, and pushed to create one of the most powerful PC enforcement units: “bias response teams.” 

In 2016 he approved UT’s first international black studies conference, which had as keynote speaker the notorious Communist activist Angela Davis (who led a gang that murdered a judge in a California courtroom).

Fenves's hand-picked "vice provost of diversity," Ted Gordon, has even argued that UT’s fight song, “The Eyes of Texas,” has racist origins and offends African-American students.  He's called  admissions based on merit (instead of color) “colorblind racism.”  Yeah, seriously.

It's sad that the "flagship university" of a state one would think would be a center of independent thought and individualism has sunk to this level, but the evidence speaks for itself.  If the president of UTA is this crazy, imagine how bad it is at places like Berkeley, CUNY, Columbia and similar cesspools.


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