April 28, 2018

UK judge bars parents from taking their toddler to Italian hospital, decrees death instead

You need to read the story below--because it shows how quietly, stealthily, the "legal system" (unelected judges) of a country that was once championed the rights of individual citizens has become twisted into a monstrous thing.  A thing one would never have imagined possible.

It's true that the government in this story is the UK, not ours, but if you think the Democrats, Leftists, socialists and so-called "progressives" aren't trying their damnedest to do this here in the U.S., you haven't been paying attention.

In the UK a 23-month-old baby was very sick.  He'd had a seizure and the doctors at hospital he was in were sure he wouldn't recover.  The doctors decided further efforts to keep him alive would only prolong the inevitable, and moved to take him off life-support.

Bizarrely, lawyers for Alder Hey Children's Hospital literally argued in court that keeping Alfie on life-support was not in his "best interests."

That is, they claimed it was in the baby's "best interest" to be deprived of oxygen, water and food, which would cause his death.  No bones about it.  Simple.  Logical, eh citizen?

The parents--as many parents are inclined to do--wanted a second opinion.  They found a hospital in Rome that agreed to try further treatment.  Italian authorities granted the baby Italian citizenship, and offered a military helicopter to fly him from the airport to the hospital.

But a British judge refused to allow them to take the child to the Italian hospital for treatment.  The judge ruled the toddler was "too ill to travel" to Rome for treatment.

See, being too ill, if the judge allowed the parents to try to fly him to Rome he might...y'know...die.  Far, far better to just take the kid off life support in the UK hospital and...let him die without all the fuss.

The frantic parents made every emergency appeal possible, but the UK legal system refused to budge. 

A week ago the hospital took the 23-month-old off life-support.  He lived--without oxygen or water--for five days--during which his frantic parents gave him mouth-to-mouth as they watched his lips turn blue from lack of oxygen.

Now the relevance for Americans:  The Left wants a thing called "single-payer health care"--something they've cunningly given a cryptic name so that ordinary Americans won't know what it is.  Which is "nationalized health care."   Which is what the UK, Canada and other nations have.

And as the case of Alfie Evans shows, nationalized health care means if a hospital thinks you can't be saved, they can take you off life support.  Now, if you're an adult, conscious, and have a good attorney there's a chance you might be able to go elsewhere for treatment.  But in the UK--and chillingly, also here in the U.S.--the courts have already decreed that they can bar parents from doing anything for their children if a judge so decrees.

So if parents want to take their child to a different hospital for treatment, and a judge says the child must stay in the government hospital, be taken off life support and die, claiming that's "in the child's best interest," that's the end of things.

And admittedly, sometimes--if a parent is crazy--that makes sense.  But how about when the judge decides your kid should be allowed to die, even when another hospital has said "We'll treat him/her and see if we can get a miracle"?

The judge won't let you.  As the law stands now, there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it.  Which, in this author's humble opinion, is an obscenity.

Which brings us to the U.S. presidential election of 2008.  Facing calls from Dems for some form of national health care, the Republican VP candidate warned that such a scheme would lead to..."death panels," with doctors and judges ruling when the government would take a sick person off life support.

The mainstream media--which then as now hated conservatives and totally supported the Democrat candidate--sneeringly proclaimed this was un-possible.  After all, other nations had national health and that never happened in those oh-so-sophisticated nations, right?

Oh, wait....

So when the Dems roll out their cryptic demands for "single-payer," remember this story.  The oh-so-smaht mainstream media absolutely assured you rubes that not only was X simply un-possible, but that anyone who thought it was likely was a rube...a dumb mouth-breather.  A hillbilly (a term they actually used).

"But...but...but...ALL the sophisticated nations have it!  It's gotta be a great idea!  We don't want to be the only backward country, right?  I mean, it's like open-borders:  that's so hip, so cool.  You wanna be cool, don't you?"

If you think the Dems aren't pushing for this to come here, wake the hell up.


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