March 12, 2018

22-year-old girl killed by alien, who flees the U.S. Media refuse to publish his name

The girl in the pic was Haley Anderson, a 22-year-old nursing student in New York.  She was killed by a former boyfriend who cops say immediately fled the country.

But significantly, when the Lying Mainstream Media--including Fox--"reported" the murder of this innocent American girl, they didn't bother to give the name of the suspect, or the country he fled to, even though you'd think that they'd be, y'know, actually looking for the suspect.  Instead here's what they said:
The person of interest, a male nursing student who previously had a romantic relationship with Anderson, fled the country before police found the 22-year-old’s body. It’s unclear what country the person of interest traveled to.
Really?  "It's unclear what country"?  Bullshit.  If the cops know he's fled the country, they know exactly where he went.

Why is it that the Lying Media refuse to report a single fact that would help identify the suspect?  "Oh," whine the media honchos, "the cops wouldn't tell us any details.  How can we possibly print anything when they won't tell us??"

Except it's obvious that her friends (as well as the cops) know they guy's name and what country he flew to.  Why go out of your way to protect this suspect when just fleeing the U.S. is a strong indicator of his guilt?

This makes my blood boil.  The media--all of 'em--are conspiring to conceal the name and nationality of the suspected killer.  And why do you think that might be?

Because real reporting--telling the whole story, regardless--would tell the truth:  All cultures are NOT equal.  And too often innocent Americans who ignore this wind up getting killed.

But as noted earlier, local friends of the girl know the identity of the guy who fled:  Orlando Tercero.  Who immediately flew to...Nicaragua. 

Stories about this murder will vanish in a day.  Because it hurts The Democrat Narrative.

The Elite Narrative.

Which is:  Illegal immigrants--including the hordes unlawfully allowed by Obama to stay in this country under DACA--are jus' wonderful.

Haley's parents might have a different opinion.

But if they do, you'll never read a word about it.


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