March 02, 2018

Democrats to introduce a bill to ban revolvers and "one-piece ammunition"

Today in Washington, Democrat senator Chuck Schumer and House minority leader Nancy Pelosi announced that after the tragic shooting of 17 students in Florida, the Democrats will introduce a bill to prevent this from happening again.

The pair claimed the bill, titled "Safe Children Are Mandatory," will "protect our vulnerable children while preserving all the rights of Americans envisioned by the people who signed the Constitution."

Senator Schumer noted that decades ago the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment does not give civilians the right to own every type of advanced weapon.  Thus the Democrat bill would outlaw dangerous military-style weapons such as fearsome "semi-automatic assault weapons"--weapons that fire each time the trigger is pulled.  The senator said these weapons were intended for only one purpose: to kill people.  "After all," he said, "the law doesn't allow civilians to own hand grenades, so we're certain the courts will agree that civilians shouldn't own these military-style weapons either."

A reporter--apparently from a dangerous right-wing website--asked minority-leader Pelosi if this wouldn't also ban the ordinary "revolver" used since Civil War days.  Democrat leader Pelosi replied that the questioner was simply trying to cause trouble, then helpfully added "We'll have to pass the bill in order to know what's in it."

Senator Schumer added that the bill would also ban private ownership of "integrated, one-piece ammunition."  This prompted one so-called "reporter"--claiming to work for Fox news--to ask what that term actually meant.  The senator replied that it was unAmerican to question members of congress, but then explained that the term referred to ammunition that had the powder, bullet and "primer" made as a single piece.

The Fox reporter said "All modern ammunition is made like that, so wouldn't your bill ban all ammunition?"  The senator replied that it would, but said this absolutely preserved all rights envisioned by the Founders under the Second Amendment, since when the Constitution was signed, no one-piece ammunition existed.  Thus, he said, the Founders could not have anticipated such a dangerous development.

The senator explained that in 1789 all rifles were "muzzle-loaders" and that to use such a rifle the user had to ram gunpowder wrapped in paper down the barrel.  Next, the user pushed a round bullet down onto the powder.  The weapon was then fired by having a flint rake across a steel striker, making a spark. 

"This was the only type of rifle known to the people--of all races and genders--who signed the Constitution," Schumer said.  "The Founders could never have imagined how much more deadly guns have become today.  Thus our bill totally protects the rights of all American citizens to own the type of weapons envisioned by the Founders." 

The reporter then asked if the provisions of the Democrat bill would also apply to the bodyguards used by both Schumer and Pelosi.  After a brief private conversation not audible to reporters, the two said urgent congressional business made it necessary to end the press conference.


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