January 11, 2018

Democrat talking point that banning guns will reduce crime taking a hit

Democrats and liberals keep screaming that we need to ban guns.  Because guns "cause" crime, right?

Uh, no.  But you can't convince liberals, even with the argument that even if gun ownership was made illegal, crooks would still obtain 'em illegally.

But even more to the point, the main premise of the liberal lie--that if guns are banned, crime will plummet--is bullshit, as shown by two stories just this week:

For decades, famous jewellers have displayed their creations in the windows at the famous Ritz hotel in Paris.  Well yesterday a gang of five robbers armed with hatchets smashed the windows at the Ritz and stolean estimated four million euros worth of jewels.

Note that the gang didn't have--and obviously didn't need--guns to make the heist.

The second example comes from Melbourne, Australia, where a gang of what the papers described (in an unprecedented moment of candor) as "African youths," armed with knives and hammers, robbed two gas stations of cash and cigs.

Again, no guns needed.

Of course you won't see stories like these two in our Lying Mainstream Media.  Cuz they don't fit The Narrative.

Only approved news gets broadcast or printed by the Mainstream Democrat Media.


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