Dem governor of Dem state urges multi-billion $ state tax on CO2, claims it'll be paid by emitters
Just days after Trump signed the Republican-led tax-cut bill that triggered over a billion dollars in bonuses for employees of over 100 companies, a Democrat governor of a majority-Dem state countered with a typically Democratic tax plan for the people of his state:
Washington's Democrat governor Jay Inslee is a member of the "carbon dioxide from fuel is heating the planet to a dangerous level" crowd--as are ALL good Democrats--so he's urging his Democrat-controlled legislature to pass a tax on CO2. At last report, $20 per ton.
Well, for the first year anyway. After that Inslee wants this new tax to rise at 3.5 percent MORE than the rate of inflation.
But not to worry, citizen: The tax will be "paid by CO2 producers." At least that's what the gov claims.
Like all Democrat pols, he's either stupid or deliberately not admitting that corporations and utilities ALWAYS pass taxes thru to consumers. He claims his new tax will collect $3.3 Billion in its first four years. All coming out of consumers' pockets, regardless of how carefully that's concealed.
But hey, he proposes that $950 million of this magical new revenue be spent on "education," with the rest spent on green energy programs and research, water infrastructure, wildfire mitigation. And to avoid the charge that his new tax would hurt the poor--who do, after all, use electricity and natural gas--some of the tax revenue would be given to poor families "to offset the effect of the higher tax."
Wait--how would the poor be affected by the CO2 tax if, as Inslee says, it would only be paid by big corporations?
Looks like in his eagerness to gain political support among representatives of the "gimmee" crowd, Inslee seems to be tacitly admitting that, um...gee...maybe consumers will end up paying this tax after all.
Typical lying rat-bastard.
So while Republicans are cutting taxes, Democrats raise 'em--but at no political cost cuz they crow that the tax will only be paid by da eeeebil big corporations--and their low-info voters believe it.
Washington's Democrat governor Jay Inslee is a member of the "carbon dioxide from fuel is heating the planet to a dangerous level" crowd--as are ALL good Democrats--so he's urging his Democrat-controlled legislature to pass a tax on CO2. At last report, $20 per ton.
Well, for the first year anyway. After that Inslee wants this new tax to rise at 3.5 percent MORE than the rate of inflation.
But not to worry, citizen: The tax will be "paid by CO2 producers." At least that's what the gov claims.
Like all Democrat pols, he's either stupid or deliberately not admitting that corporations and utilities ALWAYS pass taxes thru to consumers. He claims his new tax will collect $3.3 Billion in its first four years. All coming out of consumers' pockets, regardless of how carefully that's concealed.
But hey, he proposes that $950 million of this magical new revenue be spent on "education," with the rest spent on green energy programs and research, water infrastructure, wildfire mitigation. And to avoid the charge that his new tax would hurt the poor--who do, after all, use electricity and natural gas--some of the tax revenue would be given to poor families "to offset the effect of the higher tax."
Wait--how would the poor be affected by the CO2 tax if, as Inslee says, it would only be paid by big corporations?
Looks like in his eagerness to gain political support among representatives of the "gimmee" crowd, Inslee seems to be tacitly admitting that, um...gee...maybe consumers will end up paying this tax after all.
Typical lying rat-bastard.
So while Republicans are cutting taxes, Democrats raise 'em--but at no political cost cuz they crow that the tax will only be paid by da eeeebil big corporations--and their low-info voters believe it.
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