January 10, 2018

Fed judge orders Trump admin to keep de-facto amnesty for 800,000 until all lawsuits are settled

After the emperor Obama unilaterally ordered federal employees not to enforce a valid U.S. law he didn't like, called "DACA," president Trump ordered the law to be enforced.  Which, as it happens, is what the Constitution requires presidents to do.

You'd think that ordering valid U.S. laws to be enforced--per the Constitution--would be totally uncontroversial.


Obviously you haven't been listening to the Democrats.  They want more Democrat votes.  And the easiest way to get more Dem votes is to demand that illegal aliens be given citizenship.  So a big Democrat cat's paw--Janet Napolitano--sued the Trump administration, then asked a Clinton-appointed judge to grant an emergency order to bar the federal government from ending the Obama law-nullification "DACA"--thus from enforcing U.S. law.

Now a Clinton-appointed federal judge in California has ordered the government to immediately reinstate DACA until all federal lawsuits about the order are settled--which of course could take years.

In 2012 emperor Obama announced a new program, called "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" (DACA).  It essentially gave amnesty to 800,000 children of illegal-aliens brought in by their parents while under 16 years old.  He did this NOT by using his brilliant logical skills to persuade congress to pass a law to do that, but by simply ordering it.

Not surprisingly, Obama's "Just Us" department--the folks who would normally be expected to enforce valid U..S. laws for the president--didn't utter a word of protest, and refused to challenge the emperor's order.

Then in 2014 the emperor's administration unilaterally ordered a far broader, more brazen amnesty program with the even more misleading name of "Deferred Action for Parents of Americans" (DAPA).  Following the lead of open-borders junkies, the lying Mainstream Media had been pushing the idea that it was absolutely awful that those 800,000 poor, poor kids who had illegally entered the U.S. under age 16 were separated from their parents, DAPA offered the same defacto amnesty to over four million illegal aliens of all ages.

The order was named "action for parents of Americans" because who could object to that?  But of course the order applied--deliberately--to parents of people who were NOT Americans, but were the very same "children" Obama had granted defacto amnesty to two years earlier with DACA.

That cunning two-stepper was so transparent that a federal court declared it unlawful a year later.

The Obama regime's "Just Us" bureau appealed that decision to the Supreme Court, but when Justice Antonin Scalia died the Supreme Court deadlocked 4-4 on the issue, leaving it in limbo through the presidential election.  When Attorney-General Sessions took over as head of the DOJ, he immediately dropped the DAPA appeal, and the order was formally rescinded last June.

On September 4, Sessions issued a legal analysis that just as the court had ruled DAPA was illegal, DACA also violated the Constitution.  DHS then rescinded DACA on September 5, and began winding down the program.

The open-borders gang immediately counterattacked, filing five lawsuits in federal court in northern California to reinstate DACA, with the lead case filed by none other than Napolitano, who is now the president of the entire University of California system.

The cases were assigned to Judge William Alsup, a liberal appointed by Bill Clinton.  Alsup originally issued extraordinarily broad and invasive discovery orders to force the federal government to disclose a broad range of sensitive documents on DACA discussions.  When the notoriously left-wing Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals refused to stay this highly unusual order, Sessions went straight to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a unanimous opinion--very rare on a court with so many hard-core liberal Democrats--the court rejected Alsup’s order.

But Alsup wasn't chastened.  Instead, he ordered the Trump administration to maintain the DACA program nationwide, on exactly the same terms and conditions set forth by Obama, until everything was settled.  Alsup also ordered the federal government to begin renewing work permits for DACA recipients.

The illegals have won again.  And will continue as long as they're in the U.S.  After all, it's all cost-free to them, since liberal Democrats like Napolitano will bear all the legal costs.  And to Democrats it's well worthwhile spending ten million bucks if it wins them another 800,000 votes.

And that's before the immense multiplier of "chain migration" kicks in.

Thanks, Democrats! 


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