Leftist rag runs global-warming scare story: "The ocean floor is sinking, and it's as bad as it sounds"
The theory of "anthropogenic global warming" (AGW) has been pretty thoroughly demolished by...uh...actual temperature measurements. Which show that the Earth hasn't warmed by a significant amount in the last 20 years. Thus proponents are desperately looking for any sort of numbers that support their argument.
And sure enough, some scientists have come up with a theory that the vast, totally unprecedented melting of glaciers has increased sea level SO MUCH that the sea floor has been pushed down! And if you account for their alleged sub-sea subsidence, ocean levels are actually FASTER than the 1.4 to 1.5 millimeters per year that people seem to have measured.
They claim their theory is SO precise that they can say with confidence that on average, the ocean floor has "subsided" by "0.13 +/- 0.1 mm per year." Notice the astonishing level of precision implied here: that they know this to within a tenth of a millimeter per year. Wow!
And the bottom line--a direct quote from their paper: "Due to this effect, barystatic sea level rise will be underestimated by more than 0.1 mm/yr."
Ask a liberal global-warming-push moron how many inches 0.1mm is--just roughly--and see what they say. (If you're curious, it's 1/250th of an inch.)
Fortunately for liberals we have smaht "sciency-journalists" at Newsweek (motto: "Communism is, like, the best thing evah!") who are ever so eager to tell their non-scientific readers what this paper means. Here's their actual headline:
The Ocean Floor Is Sinking Under the Water Weight From Melting Glaciers, and It’s As Bad As It Sounds
They lay out the dire threat in the first two 'grafs, convincing liberals that we're all gonna die:So much extra water is being added to the world’s oceans from melting glaciers that the ocean floor is sinking underneath the increasing weight. This ocean floor deformation also means we have miscalculated just how much ocean levels are rising, and the problem could be far worse than previously believed.
Over the past 20 years, ocean basins have sunk an average of 0.004 inches per year. This means that the ocean is 0.08 inches deeper than it was two decades ago. While this small fragment of an inch may not seem much, oceans cover 70 percent of our planet, making the problem bigger than it seems at first glance.The sciency folks at Newsweek imply that this theory, like, totally demolishes the deplorable folks who cite such silly things as measured temperatures as evidence that there hasn't been any global warming for the last 20 years. "Yay! We're back on the gravy train again!"
But wait a second: How did the authors come up with their very, very precise figure? Did they actually measure the elevation of the sea floor, say at 1km grid intervals, and compare those measurements to measurements from a few years earlier? But how would you know you measured in exactly the same locations both times? And how does one determine where the actual sea floor is? Is it where you encounter the first soft, wispy tendrils of dirt? Ever touched the bottom of a lake?
Wait, maybe they used sonar to find nice, hard bedrock! That must be it.
Not even close. Instead their theory is based on...a model.
Yep. And of course we've all seen how accurate climate models are, right? Like the one that predicted the arctic would probably be "totally ice-free" in the summer by, uh...wait, that was supposed to happen by, um, 2013.
"But this model is, like, way better. Trust us."
Wonder how many of the smaht "journalists" at Newsweek can convert 0.1 mm into inches?
But don't be concerned with the actual numbers, citizen: what you need to notice is the amazing precision these real scientists calculated in their paper! And that "The ocean floor is sinking, and it's as bad as it sounds!"
And even if we accept the authors' paper as accurate (it's not), how does that affect the notion of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming?
Why, I'm shocked that you would even ask, citizen. It means that more ice has melted than we thought. Which must be due to the mean temperature on Earth rising, and we just haven't found out where yet. But it must be true, cuz sea level is rising SO FAST that it's even making the ocean floor subside! And "it's as bad as it sounds!"
I've read the original paper, and most of it is utter horse shit. But liberals will point to the Newsweek headline as solid evidence that AGW is real, and catastrophic, and that we'll all be killed unless we put a $10 per gallon tax on gasoline.
Click the link to the absurd Newsweek article and read the comments.
People--liberals all--who have no trouble believing that the current extreme cold weather is the result of global warming have no problem at all believing that a minuscule rise in sea level--caused by melting glaciers--has made the ocean floor sink.
In fact the more outlandish their beliefs, the more self-righteous pride they take in holding them. They also get the added satisfaction of condescendingly sneering that if you don’t agree with them, you obviously don't believe in science.
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