January 09, 2018

Propaganda avalanche starts: "Docs released by FBI prove McCabe had NO conflict of interest!"

As should be obvious to even the dimmest liberal, the results of any "government investigation" are pre-ordained:  There cannot be a finding that any top leaders of, say, the FBI or DOJ committed any crime, ever--because the crooks have their allies scrub the files of any incriminating evidence before claiming they've "turned over everything as congress requested."

Thus after months of stonewalling, the FBI and DOJ have finally agreed to turn over what the Lying Media have breathlessly reported to be 1.5 MILLION pages of documents to congress.  WOW, if they've turned over that many docs it simply MUST prove that they've been, like, totes honest about everything, right citizen?

At least that's the line being taken by the Democrat-loving Lying Media.  And half of the public totally buys that load of crap.

Does anyone with half a brain believe there will be a single thing in that massive pile that hasn't been combed for possible damage before being released?

And as you could have predicted, the propaganda avalanche has already started, with several outlets crowing that the released records prove that deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe had NO conflict of interest when leading the "investigation" into Hilliary's email server.

Hmm...that couldn't be the same Andrew McCabe whose wife got $700,000 from a close friend of the Clintons--Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe--to run for a Virginia state senate seat, could it?  Cuz, like, wouldn't that be a screamingly obvious conflict of interest, which would have required him to decline to head the investigation?

Actually it is the same guy.  But don't be concerned, citizen: Internal FBI documents published on the bureau’s very own, screamingly honest website last Friday show that McCabe’s "oversight role" (i.e. the lead f'n "investigator;" "oversight" just makes it seem like he didn't have much direct involvement) in the Clinton probe didn't begin til February 2016 when he was appointed deputy director.  That was three whole months after his wife Jill McCabe lost her election bid.

See, citizen?  This totally proves McCabe couldn't have been biased, so didn't need to recuse himself.

The FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s emails began in July 2015, when li'l ol' low-level Andy was nothing more than "assistant director" of the bureau's Washington DC field office.  So just a low-level gopher, with no more power than Lois Lerner at the IRS.

And now, conveniently and amazingly, one of the documents released by the FBI says that before McCabe took control of the email "investigation," (direct quote) “there was a system of recusal put in place to prevent any real or potential conflicts of interest.”

Ah.  "A system."  So all is well.

The documents claim that after the so-called "investigation" began, "McCabe blindly provided personnel resources to FBI headquarters because of his position as an assistant director in the FBI’s Washington Field Office, but was “not told what the investigation was about.”

Does anyone possibly believe that the assistant director of the Washington field office had no idea who was supposedly being "investigated"?

But the public will hear an endless stream of top Democrat congresswhores bleat the phrases from this bullshit document, and will believe it really is possible.  And thus that Honest Andy had NO conflict of interest whatsoever when he was "blindly" providing personnel to FBI HQ.  Which implies that he was totally unaware that his agency was doing a sham "investigation" into Hilliary's server.

You will believe this, citizen, because we have an actual document--from the actual, real files of the FBI!--that says so.  So you can totally trust us.  After all, we at the FBI take great pride in never lying to the public.  Right citizen?

I mean, the idea that "McCabe threw the investigation" is as outlandish as believing that the Director of the FBI drafted a letter clearing Hilliary of all wrongdoing before agents even interviewed her or her aides.  I mean, that's crazy talk!

It's as crazy as believing that our former Attorney-General, the sainted Loretta Lynch, directed the FBI to call the investigation a "matter."  Next thing ya know, you'll be glomming onto rumors that A-G Lynch accidentally but secretly met with Mrs. Clinton's husband in her government jet on the parking ramp somewhere. 

Crazy talk!  Tinfoil-hat stuff.  And you're not crazy, right?  Cuz if you believed any of that, we'd have to look seriously at talking to your employer about you going nuts.  Or you might get a call from Child Protective Services about putting your kids in foster care--just temporarily, of course.  Until you got well.  Because believing any of this would mean you're clearly mentally unstable.


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