October 15, 2017

Dems: Why stop at trying to ban guns? Why not ban something equally deadly?

In the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting Democrats are renewing their call to repeal the 2nd amendment and forbid civilians to own guns.  That makes lots of sense, cuz every year a handful of people armed with guns do indeed go nuts and kill other people.

But Democrats are missing an even bigger target here:  Why not push to ban...alcohol?

Seriously.  Look at the number of people killed each year by drunk drivers.  Gotta be 10,000 or so.  And look at the number of people who, in an alcohol-fueled rage, kill a spouse, lover, parent or total stranger in a bar--often with a weapon other than a gun.  Must be several thousand of those each year too.

So how 'bout it, Democrats?  I realize you want to go for the easier target but why settle for half a measure?  If your goal is to reduce the number of premature deaths, it only makes sense to push to ban alcohol too, since it causes more deaths each year than guns  And that's before even considering alcohol-related diseases.

But somehow I don't think we'll see Dems push to ban alcohol--because their real goal isn't saving lives, but disarming Americans.

Tell me, Democrats:  How has that worked out for residents of the U.K?  Not only can't they defend themselves against home invaders, they get prosecuted if they so much as pick up a knife to defend against attackers.  But hey, at least they don't have civilians with guns!


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