October 14, 2017

The challenge facing western nations

Liberal politicians of westernized countries can't raise taxes enough to pay for the promises they made to get elected, without killing their economies.

The citizens of western nations aren't reproducing fast enough to maintain their populations--meaning they will eventually be overwhelmed by immigrants and will die out.

Only one western nation--the U.S.--has shown a willingness to devote enough resources to maintain a credible military deterrent.  And the nation came within 80,000 votes of junking that, under the military-hating command of a president Hilliary.

The school systems of western nations refuse to educate their students on such basic topics as the superiority of freedom and free markets over socialism and communism.

Democrats--the Deep State holdovers who actually run the government and make most of the decisions, even with the nominal Republican Trump as president--are determined to keep things on the present course.

Every day offers new opportunities for ordinary citizens to see the truth and vote to change course.  But the grip of the Lyin' Media and class envy and hatred pushed by Democrats--is so powerful that nothing changes.

If you understand what's written above, there's a way to fix this:  Forward this to everyone you know.  The fix is to vote against every Democrat and RINO.  It will be a long, hard fight, made harder by the tendency of the Deep State to corrupt freshman politicians with money or sex.

Think it's daunting?  How does this compare to wading ashore on a beach raked by machinegun fire?


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