Why is the Lyin' Media strangely uninterested in Fakebook background of cop-killer at Texas Tech?
Normally if a white male shoots a cop the Lyin' Mainstream Media go nuts. They examine the guy's social media posts and friends and likes with a vengeance, trying to see if the guy can be called a conservative or Republican or Trump-supporter, or former military.
But strangely, in the case of a white college male at Texas Tech university who shot a cop in the head *while being booked at the police station*--something the media would normally consider a huge hook for readers--the Lyin' Mainstream Media seem to be totally uninterested in looking into the killer's background.
Gosh, what in the world could account for the total reversal of the Lyin' Media's usual policy--the unique lack of interest in reporting on the killer's background, associates, friends and likes?
Could it because the shooter's fakebook page shows he's a total leftist--likes Bernie, Barack, black anti-cop groups and every leftwing group in the country? "Proud progressives." "Turn Left."
Because the shooter's background cuts against the Narrative--beloved by the Left and the Lyin' Media--that "all white killers are gun-crazed conservatives," the Media will ignore it. *Poof,* down the memory hole. Not a word beyond the bare event.
For the zillionth time: If you trust the Mainstream Media to tell you the truth about anything, you're simply naive. They have an agenda about everything, and will ignore or only superficially report any story that doesn't agree with that agenda.
Just like NBC and the NY Times refused to report solid evidence of Weinstein's sexual assaults for nearly a decade. To the Lyin' Media a story is only newsworthy if it supports The Narrative.
But strangely, in the case of a white college male at Texas Tech university who shot a cop in the head *while being booked at the police station*--something the media would normally consider a huge hook for readers--the Lyin' Mainstream Media seem to be totally uninterested in looking into the killer's background.
Gosh, what in the world could account for the total reversal of the Lyin' Media's usual policy--the unique lack of interest in reporting on the killer's background, associates, friends and likes?
Could it because the shooter's fakebook page shows he's a total leftist--likes Bernie, Barack, black anti-cop groups and every leftwing group in the country? "Proud progressives." "Turn Left."
Because the shooter's background cuts against the Narrative--beloved by the Left and the Lyin' Media--that "all white killers are gun-crazed conservatives," the Media will ignore it. *Poof,* down the memory hole. Not a word beyond the bare event.
For the zillionth time: If you trust the Mainstream Media to tell you the truth about anything, you're simply naive. They have an agenda about everything, and will ignore or only superficially report any story that doesn't agree with that agenda.
Just like NBC and the NY Times refused to report solid evidence of Weinstein's sexual assaults for nearly a decade. To the Lyin' Media a story is only newsworthy if it supports The Narrative.
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