October 11, 2017

IMF forecasts Venezuela's inflation rate next year--again proving socialism is jus' great!

The International Monetary Fund has issued its forecast for inflation for next year for the socialist hell-hole of Venezuela.  And that forecast is...2,300 percent.

With inflation that high no one can plan for the future.  It makes no sense to save money since the skyrocketing prices make savings worthless.  Venezuelans are starving, and killing each other at a rate 18 times higher than here in the U.S.  The IMF predicts what's left of that nation's economy will shrink 12 percent this year.

Yet astonishingly, nearly half of all college students surveyed on the east and west coasts say they think socialism is a better system than capitalism.

But obviously virtually no American college student has actually experienced socialism, so how in the world did they ever form such a favorable opinion of such a ghastly system?

The answer, of course, is that their professors--and before that, their high school teachers--told them socialism was wonderful, and that capitalism was awful.

It'd be interesting to hit the university lecture circuit showing hi-resolution pics of Venezuela 30 years ago, juxtaposed against pics of the same cities today.  There's not a doubt in my mind that once word got out that someone was showing the total disaster that is Venezuela, the communists and socialists and assorted snowflakes who buzz around universities like flies would scream and wail and protest and demand that the lecture not be allowed.

Cuz we just can't let American college students (or anyone in this country, for that matter) see how "faaaabulous" the results of socialism are.  Hell, if that happened the Dem party might lose lotsa votes!


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