October 14, 2017

A modest proposal

In the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting--which the Dems are blaming on either the second amendment or "toxic masculinity"--Dem congressional "leaders" are calling for either repeal of the 2nd amendment or far tighter gun controls.  Of course this is a hugely controversial topic, so here's an idea that should make everyone happy:

All Democrats should publically promise not to buy or own a single gun--either long gun or handgun. 

Dem politicians would encourage this--and show that they had the courage of their "nominal" convictions, and truly believed guns were not only bad but deserved to be banned--by promising that their bodyguards wouldn't carry guns. 

Congress could encourage this by passing a bill requiring all Democrats who want to buy a gun to disclose their name, address and party when they purchased the weapon.  Since Dems think the federal government should require everyone to register their guns, not a single Dem politician should object, right?

Of course I realize Democrats wanting to buy a gun could nullify this by simply claiming not to be Democrats, but the point is to force Dem politicians to reveal their true colors:  either they don't believe the line they're spouting, or if they do, their own constituents will see what they really are.



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