October 12, 2017

Democrats: "All cultures are equal." Reality replies: "That's a complete lie."

Democrats, liberals and socialists--America-haters all--have used their totally-controlled megaphone of the Lyin' Mainstream Media to tell us, over and over again, that
"All cultures and all societies are equal."
Their followers--university professors and public-school teachers --dutifully chanted in unison
"All cultures and all societies are equal!"
Hollywood elites got the message, and their movies began to spread it:  All cultures are equal.

Ah.  Well....

Unfortunately for the Democrats, socialists, liberals and other so-called "elites," the internet offers regular Americans the opportunity to hear what happens outside the U.S.--things the Lyin' Media steadfastly refuses to tell you, since it proves their Narrative is totally false.

The news from outside is extremely eye-opening, because it shows that all cultures are most definitely NOT equal.

For example, in the Congo--a shit-hole in Africa--members of one of the thousands of "rebel" groups dragged a woman into the central town square and cut off her head, as townspeople cheered.  The group videoed the execution, and a French television network got a copy.

Why did the armed "rebels" behead the poor woman?  What crime did they claim she committed?

They killed her because she served them food with bits of fish in it.

The "rebels" believed eating the fish would take away their magic powers.

Got it.  Makes perfect sense.  (Not.)

The French network interviewed several of the townspeople who watched and cheered the execution.  "Why did you cheer?" the interviewers asked.  "Was this woman widely disliked?"

No, said the interviewees, she was nice.  But we couldn't do anything because...we had no guns, no way to fight off the rebels.  So we cheered because we were afraid that if we didn't, they would kill us too.

Are you starting to see why the Dems don't want you to hear stories like this?  Starting to see why it's absolutely critical that you not let the Dems take away your right to own firearms?

And are you starting to see why the notion that "All cultures are equal" is an utter crock?


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