State senator from St. Louis who called for Trump's assassination now compares him to Hitler
Missouri Dem Who Previously Called For Trump’s Assassination Defends New Tweet Comparing Him To Hitler

This is Maria Chappelle-Nadal, a Democratic senator from the total shit-hole that is suburban St. Louis. Her claim to "fame" is that she authored a Facebook post calling for President Donald Trump’s assassination.
Her newest claim to fame is a tweet comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler.
Chappelle-Nadal said she was upset by Trump’s tweets early Thursday suggesting Puerto Rico must take on more responsibility for its recovery from Hurricane Maria. Her mother is from Puerto Rico, “So this is very personal to me,” she said.
Ah, now we understand. The Democrat mayor of the capital of Puerto Rico is sitting on a port crammed with emergency water and food, and refuses to kick the ass of the corrupt teamsters who refuse to deliver the badly-needed supplies to the suffering people. Which clearly makes it Trump's fault.
Cops from the island nation have called local radio shows saying exactly this.
If I were Trump I'd send in a few thousand of our military and commandeer the distribution of supplies. Then watch communists like Chappelle-Nadal scream that the Yankee imperialists are "oppressing" the locals!
Nothing--nothing at all--will ever satisfy people like this woman. She will always find someone else to blame for any problem in the world. Fan the flames of blame and hate, pitting class against class, race against race. It's what communists are. It's what they do.
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