WaPo reports Pelosi threatens to block "must-pass" bills if illegal DACAs aren't given citizenship
The Washington Post has been a pile of socialist-Democrat crap for my entire lifetime. So without further ado, here's a piece they published just two days ago--under the cutesy header "PowerPost" (so *obviously* all the insiders wanna read it, eh?) titled
Nancy Pelosi won’t rule out voting against spending bills to strike DACA deal
The gist is that several bills each year are considered "must-pass," like spending bills to keep the government running, social security checks flowing, keep paying the military and so on. In the "Power" article, the author says Pelosi has implied that she's willing to demand that her fellow Dems vote AGAINST these bills unless congress has passed a bill to give the illegal-immigrants brought into the U.S. illegally by their parents when they were under 15 full citizenship.
Let that sink in for a minute.
This scum-sucking, power-hungry, America-hating bitch wants to not only make a million illegals citizens--and thus Dem voters for life--but also wants to encourage another ten million people to illegally enter the U.S. in the hope that it'll happen again in another decade or so.
Author says Pelosi said "her caucus may withhold support for must-pass spending bills later this
year if Congress can’t reach agreement on how to protect “dreamers” from
If that isn't clear enough, nothing will help you.
“I fully intend to use every possibility” to strike a deal on the status of young immigrants protected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Pelosi said.
Pelosi said that the administration’s new plan is “un-American” and that “there’s nothing in it to negotiate because it does not have shared values of who we are as Americans. As long as we understand that, let’s go on with what we can agree on.”
Did you hear the "command language" there? "As long as we understand that, let's go with what we can agree on."
No, Nancy, you America-hating bitch, "we" don't agree, but we sure noticed that you want us to think all "good Americans" agree with you. Just understand that most of us see through your bullshit and emphatically do NOT agree.
But she's ready to block "must-pass" bills to get her way.
Other leading pro-illegal Dems--like Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-Ill.)...called on Democrats to vote against "must-pass" legislation slated to come to the floor around Dec. 9. Gutiérrez said “If we approve a budget which doesn’t include the Dream Act, then we’ve turned our back on our immigrant community and our principles.”
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-N.M.), who chairs the Hispanic Caucus, said that withholding votes for spending legislation “is definitely on the table” for her caucus.
Other leading pro-illegal Dems--like Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-Ill.)...called on Democrats to vote against "must-pass" legislation slated to come to the floor around Dec. 9. Gutiérrez said “If we approve a budget which doesn’t include the Dream Act, then we’ve turned our back on our immigrant community and our principles.”
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-N.M.), who chairs the Hispanic Caucus, said that withholding votes for spending legislation “is definitely on the table” for her caucus.
Of course you already know how the Lyin' Mainstream Media--led by the WaPo and the NY Slimes--will spin this if the Dems vote against the must-pass bills, right?
"Republicans threaten government shutdown!"
They lie. The mainstream media *always* lie. It's what they do--because it's always worked in the past. And as long as half the electorate gets their information from them, it'll keep working.
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