May 10, 2014

Muslims kidnap 270 Nigerian school girls--U.S. media won't say a word about their religion

I assume you've all heard about the 270 Nigerian school girls kidnapped by the Muslim terrorist group Boko Haram.

The mainstream media doesn't make very much of the fact that Boko Haram is composed of Muslims but you'd have an even harder time finding out the religion of the kidnap victims:  nearly all of them are Christians, from the Christian enclave of Chibok in Borno State.

While Boko Haram might abduct Muslim girls from school because its leaders think they should be at home rather than learning, it wouldn't dare to sell Muslim girls into slavery or forced marriage because local muslims would declare war on Boko.  But they can safely sell the Christian girls, because the Koran considers Christians as second-class citizens, to be exploited by Muslims.

You have to wonder why the mainstream media has been almost entirely silent on the religious identity of the girls.  Wait, you don't:  reporting that Muslims were targeting Christians would violate Media Rule Number One, and would presumably make Christians pay closer attention.  Instead most articles focus on explaining the utterly indefensible act as being caused by...poverty.

Our media also spends a lot of time writing about the Faaaabulous hash-tags created by Democrats to draw attention to...chiding the terrorists into releasing the kidnapped girls.

That's the Super-duper, no-cost Democrat/liberal/"progressive" plan:  Chide 'em into submission.

BTW, the link exposing the religious angle was in the U.K. Spectator.  You couldn't find a word here in the U.S. press.


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