August 15, 2010

More brutal crimes by young Muslims in Sweden

I have to stop reading Swedish blogger Cavatus's accounts of life in his now-heavily-Islamic country. They're starting to get to me.

Three months ago a 16-year-old Swedish girl--Beatrice Fredrixon--was brutally murdered by her 17-year-old Iraqi boyfriend, Barzan. She was kicked and strangled to death.

The Swedish court determined that the 17-year-old killed Bea because he thought she was pregnant. Barzan was afraid to tell his father, who was angry that he was dating a non-Muslim. Thus the 17-year-old seems to have felt that he "had to" murder Bea to keep from impugning his family's honor.

If you'd tried a story line like this 20 years ago, no one would have believed it.

The murderer was sentenced to 3 years in youth detention.

In a bizarre twist, his murder of a 16-year-old Swedish girl had a big benefit for his family: Swedish law doesn't allow minors convicted of crimes to be deported after a sentence has been served. This is true even if the crime is a brutal murder. Swedish law considers it "inhumane" to deport young criminals.

As a result, the entire family will now get a permanent residence permit.



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