Huge solar plant to be shut down just 11 years after celebrated opening: "couldn't compete"
What was once the largest solar power plant of its type in the world opened just 11 years ago in the Mojave desert on the border between Cali and Nevada. At the time, the fawning, slobbering, Dem-fellating Media hailed it as "a breakthrough moment for clean energy!"
Now it appears the $2.2 BILLION-dollar plant will be shut down after producing electricity for just 11 years--at a far higher cost than conventional sources.
ABC "newz" copied their propaganda piece from the communist Associated Press. The piece omits ALL mention of the massive cost, and how much of that huge cost the Obozo regime forced taxpayers to pay--because if you knew, and were a rational adult, you'd be furious.
This is a classic case of burying stupid, corrupt decisions quietly, with no mention of how much money was wasted or who got the kickbacks. Instead the AP (and ABC "newz") cunningly says the plant is folding because it's "under pressure from cheaper green energy sources."
SEE, citizen? It folded cuz uddah "green energy sources" are even LESS expensive!
Yeah, well here's a flash for ya: coal and natural gas are a LOT cheaper yet! As the "MIT Technology Review" coyly puts it, the power the plant produced "has been much more expensive than electricity from photovoltaic plants, to say nothing of power from natural gas."
Wait...what does "to say nothing about natural gas" actually mean, eh? That's all the explanation you're gonna get.
But cost of electricity be damned: duh Dems were in control when this boondoggle was funded, and dey wuz eager to fund anything that claimed to reduce "global worming"--even by amounts far too small to be detected.
This thing cost $2.2 BILLION to build, with $1.6 BILLION of the cost covered by "federal loan guarantees." If the plant closes (as expected), who will get saddled with paying off those loans, eh?
Of course: you will. Cuz dat how Dem governance works, eh?
Oh, y'say you don't recall being asked to approve dat? Yeah, dat cuz dey din' ask ya. Dey spend whatevah dey want, and if you don't like it, tough shit. Cuz as the Vegetable often said, Global Worming is duh mos' dire threat to ouah planet!" Unless it was "violent white extremists."
But corrupt loan guarantees are just the tip of the outrage: "environmentalists" were and are EAGER to support any harebrained scheme that claims it'll "reduce global worming." So dey din' wail about dis plant when it was proposed. Okay, a few said duh plant would fry lots of birds, but duh Warmiez tol' em to shut up!
But NOW the Sierra club sez dey nevah supported dis plant, cuz...wait for's fried thousands of birds.
I'll bet the bird victims wish you "environmentalists" had gotten your org to oppose this "white elephant" boondoggle, but of course you didn't dare, cuz...Global Worming is supreme, eh?
The Ivanpah plant uses a technology in which 350,000 computer-controlled mirrors roughly the size of a garage door reflect sunlight to boilers atop a 45-story tower. The concentrated light heats water to make steam, which drives turbines to create electricity, just as in a gas-fired powerplant.
Lead partner "NRG" said the project was successful but wasn't able to compete with less costly photovoltaic solar cells--rooftop panels — which have much lower capital and operating costs.
A post on PG&E's website said the plant's technology "had worked on a smaller scale in Europe but couldn't match the lower prices of photovoltaic technology."
The Sierra Club emailed the AP to say dey din' support dis plant.
“While the Sierra Club strongly supports innovative clean energy solutions and recognizes the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels, Ivanpah demonstrated that not all renewable technologies are created equal.”
Ahh, nice. Way too late, eh? You failed to oppose it when it might have made a difference. Just kidding: the Dems wanted this, and the fix was in. The loan guarantees would have been approved if the Lord Himself had opposed 'em. Cuz...Globull Worming.
Now here's the hoot: The AP notes that the plant didn’t produce as much electricity as expected, but instead of blaming overly-optimistic (bullshit) claims, the AP says this was "for a simple reason: the sun wasn’t shining as much as expected."
Wait...isn't one of the fundamental claims of duh Warmiez wuz dat duh sun's output is, like, *totally* constant? Cuz if we allow the idea that the sun's output *changes* a percent or two from time to time, that opens the door to the notion that perhaps any tiny "globull worming" is due to the SUN changing, eh?
Of course we realize the AP is bleating that the sun's output was *less* than normal, but they have no proof of that. Instead that's a corporate excuse for their overly optimistic claims not panning out.
But we're struck by the AP's implied "heresy" dat duh sun's output varies!
But not to worry, citizen: as soon as the ink dries on this propaganda piece from the AP, they'll be back to the usual bullshit that "duh sun cannot *possibly* be causing Globull Worming, cuz it's like, totally constant!"
No surprise that the AP ignores contradictory assumptions about Globull Worming, eh?
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