Trump's New CIA Director releases suppressed CIA report that the Chyna virus was created in the Wuhan lab
Fauci knew, and lied to you. Biden's handlers knew, and ordered his CIA not to release the report.
They all knew. They all lied, straight to your face.
And now bribem has pardoned Fauci, the person who created and pushed the lie. Wow.
Bribem's CIA analyzed...stuff...and wrote a careful report that concluded that a normally harmless bat virus did NOT mutate all by itself to make it lethal to humans by inserting FOUR perfectly lethal genes into the spike protein. Instead the CIA found it was almost certainly modified in a lab.
The bribem regime ORDERED the CIA not to release its analysis to the public.
Think about that for a minute.
We have emails in which virus experts told Fauci every indication was that the virus was deliberately modified in a lab to make it lethal to humans. Having heard that, Fauci then instructed them to write an article for publication claiming the exact opposite: that the virus "evolved" its lethality "naturally"--by chance mutations. ("Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2")
So why do ya think the bribem regime would order the CIA not to release their findings, eh?
Surprisingly, it's NOT because bribem was being bribed by the Chinese communist party (even though he absolutely WAS taking bribes from the CCP, via his corrupt crack-head son Hunty).
And of course the government lackeys at the CIA did whatever duh Vegetable's handlers ordered--cuz they knew if they didn't, they'd either be fired or not promoted.
By ordering the CIA not to release their report, the bribem regime concealed the fact that Anthony Fauci actually funded the virus research of the Wuhan lab--deliberately, knowingly. I'm totally serious: we have the grant numbers, and a "thank you" published by the principal investigator in a paper presented at an international seminar in 2015--complete with the matching grant number!
This was all known in 2020. The Media had to have known.
For years the bribem regime decreed that the theory that Covid-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China was a "conspiracy theory." They bleated that it was "xenophobic," "racist," "prejudiced," and of course "thoroughly debunked." That was horseshit, but it's what the bribem regime told the Media. The CIA report would have contradicted this, which is why bribem's handlers ordered the agency not to release it.
When senator Tom Cotton said in January 2020 "We still don't know where the coronavirus originated," the media quickly called that statement a "fringe theory."
Interestingly, in ORDERING that the report be kept secret, the bribem regime violated a law passed and signed in 2023 (the Covid-19 Origin Act) which ordered the declassification of all information related to links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and Covid. But of course the bribem regime never worried about silly ol' laws, eh? Laws are for "little people," not for elite Democrats.
According to a CIA whistleblower, after six out of seven CIA analysts concluded that the virus was modified in a lab, Fauci visited CIA HQ to get the CIA to alter its conclusions.
The whistleblower claims Fauci insisted that the virus had evolved through natural mutation, as stated in the "Proximal Origin" paper he instructed his group of experts to write. The whistleblower found this particularly troubling since the whistleblower knew Fauci's NIAID had funded research grants to the Wuhan lab, via a non-profit "cutout," EcoHealth Alliance.
Given the 600,000 or so Americans killed by the Chyna virus, and the 100,000 or so small businesses that went bankrupt due to the outrageous "lockdowns," and the tens of thousands of Americans who were fined thousands of dollars for not wearing the useless masks, you'd think every so-called "reporter" would be demanding to know who ordered the CIA not to release its report that the virus was almost certainly engineered in a lab to make it kill humans.
I suspect Fauci--fearing he'd be murdered if Americans learned that he'd funded the research at the Wuhan Institute--urged his contact in the White House to get "bribem" to order the CIA report suppressed.
Ironically, bribem probably didn't give the actual order, because his handlers probably worried that the Vegetable might spill the secret in one of his rambling "What was I just doing?" speeches.
Instead whoever was actually running the country ordered the report suppressed.
Hey, "elections have consequences," eh Democrats. Your stupid votes helped put this corrupt rat-bastard in office. But fortunately for you, you probably didn't have loved ones die alone in hospital, with men with guns preventing you from hugging them before they died.
You probably didn't have your small business--something you worked 20 years to build--bankrupted by the lockdowns.
You probably haven't had your child die "suddenly, unexpectedly" from some hyper-aggressive cancer or other bizarre cause, after being forced to take the jab to go to school. To the end of bribem's term, the CDC bleated that there have been NO "excess deaths" among young Americans. Really?
You escaped all consequences for your stupidity. But at least your vote helped elect the corrupt, moronic bribem instead of Orange Hitler in 2020, eh? And that alone was worth any tragic consequences to...others, right?
Key phrase here: "To...others." As long as the deaths and bankruptcies don't affect you, ain't no big deal, right?
Lord, the average Democrat is SO incredibly dumb.
Now, just for fun: Every known coronavirus has been "gene-sequenced," and that sequence has been published on a U.S. government webpage. By November of 2019 a group of researchers in India had published the gene sequence of the spike protein of Covid-19. By accident, two days after the first case of duh Chyna virus was confirmed in the U.S, I found the paper that published that sequence.
The Indian researchers then compared the sequence of the closest matching "natural" coronavirus to Covid-19.
As I wrote in February of 2020, that comparison clearly, unequivocally shows that Covid-19 has four "inserted" genes--all of which make it lethal to humans.
This would have been obvious to anyone who had access to that side-by-side comparison--including the scientists who told Fauci in early Feb of 2020 that the virus had clearly been modified in a lab--not by "natural mutation." But Fauci knew if the "modified in a lab" theory got out, people would eventually discover that HE had funded that research by the Wuhan lab, funneling the grants thru the "cutout."
I've been saying this since Feb of 2020. But of course no one listened--cuz no one could believe duh regime would lie so brazenly, eh? And yet the bribem regime did exactly that. And the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media eagerly, fawningly, slobberingly parroted everything Fauci and the regime bleated.
Starting to get it yet?
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