NY Times reassures liberal/Dem parents that if their sons voted Trump, it's not their fault
Cuz Democrats need a 25-year-old girl to gives 'em the "context" of complex issues, eh?
And sure enough, this piece--from the "style and culture" writer--is about politics--specifically about how Dem/liberal/"proggie" parents are understandably horrified that their sons voted for (gasp!) Trump!
So Callie describes the angst of a 59-year-old mother of a 20-year-old son--adopted in China. The family lives in liberal shithole Portland Oregon, and mom is horrified that her son voted for duh Orange Hitler.
Now it's no surprise that so-called "journalists" will write anything they believe their editors would love to publish. And in this case the editors were likely delighted about a piece that would keep liberal/Dem/"proggy" parents on the Democrat plantation--not just continuing to vote Dem, but continuing to DONATE to the party.
See, as every American surely knows, presidential elections are decided by the results in six or seven "battleground states"--states where voters are close enough to 50-50 to enable a swing either way. And last November's election was likely decided by 300,000 votes in the seven "battleground states"--all of which were won by Trump. So if the Dems can switch just 151,000 votes from GOP to Dem, they're back in power, first in the midterms, then in 2028, eh?
The Times piece by Callie is one of the ways the Dems are trying to do that.
Callie reassures readers that their daughters did the "right thing" by voting for Cackles. Problem is that many of their sons fell under the spell of duh eeeebil Trumpster--due to "disinformation" from the internet and "podcasters." So Callie tells readers--virtually all liberal Democrats--that they're right to be horrified that their sons (always the sons) have "rebelled" against their parents' careful efforts to instruct their sons that a) conservative men are bad; b) liberalism is guuud; c) Democrat policies are faaaabulous; d) conservative policies are mean, hateful, non-inclusive; e) if you feel masculinity is too harsh, we'd be delighted for you to change genders.
You really have to read the piece to understand how powerful the Dem-fellating Mainstream Media is.
Rational Americans would do well to keep in mind a key principle of the Left: "The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the agenda." For those who don't speak Proggie that seems like baffle-gab. What it means is that radicals look for a way to turn every "grievance" and imagined slight into a path to win power. In this case the Dems want to keep liberal/Dem parents on the plantation.
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