January 30, 2025

Does this pattern look familiar?

 See if this pattern rings any bells:

1. The bribem regime would lie about something.

2. Democrat leaders would totally support the lie. 

3. Every Mainstream Media network and "newz"paper would parrot the bribem regime and Dem leaders.

4. Dems would denounce anyone who called out the lie--even if the critic supported their claims with facts.  Democrats and their Media allies claim the critic is a "conspiracy theorist."

5. Dem voters would all nod in unison.  "If a Dem prez says sumpin' and duh Media all agree, den whatevah it was is absolutely true...cuz dey nevah lie to uz befo', eh?" 

If you think that's ended with biden's exit, think again:  The only thing changed is that the lie comes from congressional Democrats like Chuck Schumer.  All the steps below that are unchanged.


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