January 23, 2025

Watching video of illegal-alien criminals being arrested for deportation

Watching the videos of illegal-alien criminals being arrested--for deportation-- on Trump's third day in office, and I see the attorney-general of NY and the governor of Massachusetts have both instructed their state officials not to cooperate with ICE arresting illegal aliens convicted of serious crimes in the U.S.

And I think, This is classic Democrat-party destruction:  First they open the border and invite 10 million illegals in, and then when thousands of 'em commit other, serious crimes in this country, release them quickly before trial, without requiring bail.  Then on top of all that, refuse to help ICE arrest them for deportation.

I note that no one bothers to keep track of whether women raped and/or murdered by illegals are Republicans, Democrats or independents.  That's because that doesn't matter to the Dem leaders--because they never suffer from their policies: they have personal security and live in protected enclaves, so they're never victimized.

The key reason why the leaders of the Democrat party are anti-American and don't give a damn about you or your family is that the Dem leaders never suffer from their own policies. 


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