October 06, 2024

The Left's new sneer: "Only conservative men like attractive women!" Seriously.

For the last 20 years or so (if not longer), virtually all attractive female "entertainers" (actresses, and singers) have been total leftist/Democrats.  And yes, they were physically attractive.

But just in the last year or so a growing number of attractive gals in the entertainment business have stopped toeing the line of the Democrat Partei.  Few have endorsed Trump or conservatism, but just refusing to parrot the Democrat line was enough to make the leftist Media worry.  They needed to discredit this trend, and fast!

So the Media came up with the faaaabulous solution: "We'll claim that 'right-wingers' love attractive women!  So to avoid being associated with the political right, all lovely "entertainers" will swear allegiance to the Left/Democrats again!  Yeh, dat's it!!!"

Think that's paranoia?  Six days ago (so 40-ish days before the crucial election) the Dem-shill-rag Newsweek posted a LONG piece titled
"How Hot Girls Became the Right's New Obsession"

See, the authors of the Newsweek propaganda piece--like all Leftists--want you to believe that only awful, sexist, un-woke right-wing cave-men are attracted to "hot girls" (to use Newsweek's term).  By contrast, faaaabulous, wokie Democrat males like Dougie Emhoff and Tim Walz aren't attracted to "hot girls."  See?

Of course that's horseshit, dreamed up by the Democrat-fellating shills in the Media to try to discredit conservatives.

Like they're trying to pretend Dems and assorted leftist swine don't want attractive women?  Dream on, shills.

The Newsweak article leads with lots of breathless hype about the appearance way back in March of Sydney Sweeney as guest hostess of Saturday Night Live.  

Wait...that was seven months ago, and you're just now bleating about it?  Why do I think you're *desperately reaching* for anything you can that *might* sway undecided voters, eh?

>>Sweeney's appearance...was lauded by a number of right-wing commentators as "the death of woke.">>

<<Ahhh!  Now the goal is clear: Can't have *that,* eh?<<

>>The actress had become a so-called conservative hot girl—a pin-up for the modern day right-wing movement as it attempts to *expand the appeal of conservatism beyond the confines of its largely *older, white* male base.*>>

<<The propaganda is now far more obvious: Newsweek seeks to discredit conservatism by claiming it "largely" appeals to "older, white" males.
  Ohh, that's really cunning!  And of course the beta males who infest the Left will totally agree.  Meanwhile hard-working males and fraternity bros just laugh: They know leftist propaganda when they see it.

To support their bullshit theory that only conservatives are attracted to "hot girls," Newsweek goes to the U.K to find an associate professor who bleats that "Women have been positioned in masculinist imagery in conservative, populist politics for a long time."

Wow, the leftist "journalist" at Newsweak had to go all the way to the U.K. to find some dipshit associate professor to say that?  Couldn't find one at Hahvahd or Wellesley?

The author quotes another U.K. prof:
>>"This focus on 'hot girls' is a way for the Right in the U.S. to fight back against *perceptions of 'wokeness.'*>>

<<Ahh, "perceptions of wokeness," y'say?  So you're implying that "wokeness" isn't real, just "perceptions of wokeness," eh?
  And you're apparently claiming conservative men are *faking their attraction to "hot girls" for political gain,* eh?

Wow, you people are totally crazy if you think only conservative males like pretty women.  But DO go on with that bullshit, since it helps you win votes, eh?

No matter how much you hate the Lying Mainstream Media, it's not enough.

Source: the propagandists at "Newzweak"



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