October 01, 2024

The so-called "elites" love communism, and sneer at anyone who warns about it. Similarly...

In the 20th century communists murdered about 100 million people for the sole reason that they opposed the communist leaders.

Stalin murdered about 30 million, including 5 million Ukrainians by starvation in just two years (1932-33).  They don't teach that in American schools.

Mao killed about 60 million.  In Cambodia Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge ("Red Cambodians") killed about 3 million--one of every four Cambodians--in just four years (1975-1979).  American schools don't tell you that either.

The North Korean communist regime killed between 2 million and 3 million people, not including another million killed in the Korean War--started when North Korea communists invaded the south.  The schools don't teach that either, eh?

Almost all of the 100 million killed by communists had family and friends who were devastated by the rulers' murder of their family member or friend. Then add another billion whose lives were miserable by having to live in a communist totalitarian state: in poverty with no rights.

With this sort of record you'd think everyone would hate communists the way they hated Nazis.  But astonishingly, a great many people--all leftists and most liberals--not only swoon over communism but also sneer at any American who claims it's evil.

When the Nazis ruled Germany, it's hard to imagine any American calling someone who opposed that party a "warmonger."  But that's exactly what Leftists call anyone who opposes communism.  The Mainstream Media absolutely *swooned* when emperor Obozo sneered at conservatives "The 1980s called--they want their foreign policy back."

Today we're seeing a similar phenomenon: all rational people realize that while Islam cloaks itself in admirable platitudes, its core strategy is conquering the world.  Because they're not yet powerful enough to take on the world, they're chewing up one nation at a time.  

And the world's so-called "elites" not only smile and look away, but also sneer that anyone who claims that wanting to conquer the world is evil is "Islamophobic" or raaacist or paranoid.

When you show the "elites" the verses in the Koran commanding devout Muslims to give "unbelievers" the choice of converting, or paying the jizya (look it up) or being killed, they either sneer that it's a mis-translation, or that modern Islam no longer believes that.

That's a lie: that's still taught by the mullahs.  

So just as we saw with the so-called "elites" sneering at anyone who warned that communism was evil and should be opposed, we're now seeing the so-called "elites" sneer at anyone who warns about the threat posed by Islam.

The only government that realizes the threat posed by Islam is Israel, and as a result the "elites" sneer that Israel is raaaacist and "Islamophobic."  For opposing a movement that places world conquest in its "holy" text, Israel has become the most reviled country in the world, condemned by the corrupt, Muslim-dominated United Nations as well as in Western Mainstream media.  

And of course, in universities, run by the same leftists who praised and defended communism as it killed 100 million.

Israel is a liberal democracy with equal rights for women, gays and its Arab population.  20% of Israel's population is Muslim.  Muslims are members of the Israeli equivalent of our congress.

By stark contrast, Muslim nations execute gays, and force women to cover their hair or face or the entire body.  Leftists claim women *want* to do this.  Really?  Ask 'em.

I believe there's a common explanation for why so many people hate Israel more than Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah, just as leftists hated anti-communists more than communism:

It's that it's emotionally and psychologically difficult for most people to confront evil.  It's far easier to pretend that whatever someone claims is evil isn't *really* evil at all, but instead that the person warning about evil is "-phobic" or raaacist or paranoid or..."stuck in a cold-war mentality."

Any of that ring any bells?

The unwillingness to stand up and call out evil is probably due to a lack of courage, because once one recognizes something as evil, good people are morally obliged to resist it--which can get you canceled or killed.  So it's understandable that people fear resisting evil.

If you think this is nonsense, consider that the leftists who mock Christianity--as when the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympics mocked the Last Supper, or the Los Angeles Dodgers honored the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" (men in drag dressed as nuns)--never mock Islam, because they're terrified of offending Muslims.  

They have no such fear of offending Christians, because we're tolerant--and everyone knows it.  Huge difference.

(H/T Dennis Prager)



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