September 26, 2024

Welcome to Cackles' America

If you doubt that most Democrat voters are sheep who believe anything the Mainstream Media vomits at them, consider this: 

Before the Democrat Party handed her the nomination--something no Democrat ever voted for--harris had an approval rating of 28%.

After the Party realized biden was so obviously mentally gone that he was gonna get resoundingly beaten by Trump, they forced joe to resign the legal nomination.  The moment that happened, the Democrats' Media allies went to work portraying Cackles as the greatest leader EVAH!

And thanks entirely to the Lying Mainstream Media, Cackles now has the support of 96% of Democrat voters.  So from 28% of all voters to 96% of Dem voters, in seven weeks.  Wow.

Democrats will vote for her no matter what her positions and policies are--because for almost all Democrats, reality is whatever the Media claim it is.

Democrats are Liberals, so are emotional voters, so reality hardly matters compared to "feels."  So a harris word salad that frequently repeats words like "joy," "holistic," "inspire," and "dreams" resonates with them.

The fact that the biden/harris/mayorkas regime has allowed 11 million illegals to enter the U.S. and remain here doesn't bother liberals at all.  In fact they see it as a wonderful thing: "We iz hepin' doze po' refugees!"  And you ask liberals "Okay, how many more are there?  What's the cutoff?"

They're confused.  They nevah thought about the end-point of this attitude.  "50 million more?  100 million?"

Bafflement.  Followed quickly by rising anger, since they've never considered that question.  Because there *isn't* a logical stopping point: If one embraces the idea of "We gots ta hep' doze po' refugees" there's no upper limit.

Welcome to Cackles' (and Democrats') America.  These people are driven entirely by emotion.  It's why not knowing what specific policies Cackles supports doesn't bother 'em in the slightest...cuz she's spouting the right word-salad: joy, holistic, opportunity, aspirations.

She screams about Trump threatening to put more tariffs on goods imported from China, but then demands that we increase the corporate tax rate here.  Apparently she doesn't know that companies have to pass tax increases on to consumers--producing higher prices.  And doesn't realize that higher taxes on companies make American exports more expensive for overseas buyers, cutting our exports.  Hmmm...

Welcome to Cackles' America.  These people are emotion-driven morons, and will drag you and the country down to ruin by ordering* us to keep allowing unlimited unvetted, unskilled, communist foreigners into the U.S.  

And the Mainstream Media positively fawns over--slobbers over--both her and her pedophile, communist VP, Walz.  Wow.

If the Dems steal Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, they win.  And as of this moment there are NO procedures in place to ensure an honest election.

Welcome to Cackles' America. 


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