September 28, 2024

How a cunning plan to get blacks to vote Democrat destroyed black families

A very observant analyst noticed something about the Democrats' "brilliant" plan--devised by Lyndon Johnson's advisors--to get blacks to vote Democrat for 200 years.

LBJ's handlers gave their clever plan the faabulously attractive name of "the War on Poverty."  It was supposedly intended “not only to relieve the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it.”

It's possible that a few of the handlers even believed this.  But reality disagreed:  what it really did was destroy black families.

The evil--possibly unintentional but nonetheless destructive--was that the new law--passed by the Dem-ruled congress--promised to pay big cash to black mothers... but not if a man was living with her.

An honest Democrat senator--Daniel Moynihan--saw what this would do and begged his president not to include this provision, as he correctly predicted its evil intent. But LBJ stubbornly refused, since his plan to have blacks voting Democrat for 200 years depended on making blacks totally dependent on federal welfare dollars.

Moynihand predicted this would destroy black families--and he was right.

It takes most people a few minutes to see how utterly predictable the result of this sinister Democrat policy was:  Once the Dem strategists made the decision to give a check to single black mothers every month-- with more money for more children--but only if no adult male was in the home--the stage was set for disaster:

In some ethnic groups it's seen as not just normal, but as a status symbol, for a man to live off the earnings of a woman, thus not having to work for a living.  

So even the dim Dem strategists knew that single mothers who would be getting a nice check from taxpayers every month would be magnets for such men.  So to keep from losing millions of votes from sane whites, the Democrats had to include a provision in the law that these "poverty-ending" checks *would only be paid if no man--including the father of her kids!--was living in the home.*

Starting to see what a horrible result this was setting up?

Next step: with men contributing nothing to household income, mothers were more willing to kick a shiftless father out of the house, since her income wouldn't be cut.   And the more children she had--fathers unknown--the more money she'd get.  

The much maligned “welfare queen” was created by the Democrat party.

And again, mothers only got a check if no man--including the father of her kids--was living in the home.  The cunning Democrats even regularly sent welfare employees to see if a man was living in the home!

Is it all starting to be clear yet?

So the Democrats' grand plan--which they touted would "end poverty"--ended up not only destroying black families, but producing millions of young black males with no fathers in their lives.

Thanks, Democrats!

In 1960 out-of-wedlock births were relatively rare. But beginning with LBJ's "war on poverty" out-of-wedlock births exploded, and have never dropped.

Wow, who could have predicted *that,* eh?

There doesn't seem to be any intrinsic reason why black families should be any less functional than white families.  And before 1965 black families weren't less functional.

But the Democrat plan to "end poverty" destroyed most black families--as anyone with a brain could have predicted.  Indeed, Daniel Moynihan did predict it.  But the Democrat handlers ignored him--because they had an overriding goal in mind.

And yet blacks vote Democrat, at an average of 80-20.

Now combine the results of forcing fathers out of the home--a predictable result--with the sorry state of public K-12 schools black children are forced to attend--and you have a perpetual pool of Democrat voters. The schools ensure that only a fraction of their graduates are literate and proficient in math.  Thus they have few higher-paying career opportunities.

None of this--NONE--had to happen.  It was all caused by a cunning plan by Democrat strategists to "get blacks to vote Democrat for 200 years."

Thanks, Democrats.

Source: American Thinker


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