September 26, 2024

For those who believe the Democrats are even remotely honest, a story you've forgotten

In 2019 Hunty biden dropped off a broken laptop at a Delaware computer shop.  He promptly forgot about it.  After the shop owner repeatedly called the phone number he left, without success, the owner went thru the hard drive and found...35,000 emails and pics that were totally damning to biden.

The pics and emails clearly showed the family of the former VP was corrupt, taking millions of dollars in bribes from China, Russia and a Ukrainian gas company called Burisma.  The bribes were being funneled thru several of  Hunty's 22 "shell companies."  (If you're not familiar with that term, look it up.)

Totally horrified at the implications (total corruption of the biden family), the owner knew calling Delaware police would be useless, so he called the only agency he thought would do the right thing: the FBI.  Cuz dey wuz s'poseta be duh country's "top law-enforcement agency," eh?


The FBI agent the owner talked with didn't seem interested, but a couple of weeks later (December of 2019) two agents showed up at his shop and seized the laptop, and the original of the repair ticket.

Three months went by, with not a word of anything in the news about the owner's shocking discovery of tens of thousands of utterly damning documents on the laptop of the son of the Dem nominee.  Then three more, and still nothing.  The shop owner correctly deduced that "the fix was in," that the despite Trump being president, the leftist Deep-State Democrats running the FBI were gonna bury the laptop and its damning files, just as the Democrats buried Anthony Weiner's laptop to protect Hilliary in 2015.

What the FBI didn't know (and probably didn't care about, since they run the Media) was that the shop owner had made...a copy of the laptop's drive, which made its way to the New York Post.  The editor of the Post is one of the few media bigs who is NOT a Democrat, and she had her staff authenticate the thing.  Bingo.

So three weeks before the 2020 election (October 14th, 2020), with biden now the Democrat nominee and the polls showing him the likely winner, the Post broke the story.  Following the direction of the FBI, all social media sites killed links to the story and killed all comments mentioning it.  Twatter (at the time still owned by the notorious Democrat Jack Dorsey) even locked the Post's account so they couldn't post about their own story being blocked!

"Freedom of speech?  Only if we in the FBI approve of what you're gonna say."


SO...biden was elected.  But surveys later showed that roughly a third of people who said they voted for the corrupt vegetable said if they'd known about the laptop story they wouldn't have voted for him, which would have changed the result.

Typical Democrat: "Why yew bring dis up, deplorable?  It all in duh past, so telling about it don't change nuffin'!"

Gosh, thanks!

What knowing this story CAN change is the future.  The FBI is totally corrupt and everyone in the top ten layers on the organizational chart needs to be fired.  Field agents could apply to be re-hired but would have to undergo a thorough investigation, and wouldn't be hired if they signed off on any of the illegal efforts to censor stories.

The second corrupt agency is the CIA.  Just as bad as the FBI, and can't be trusted to tell us the truth.  If you believe anything they say you're a fool.  Problem is, they have buddies in the Mainstream Media who will print anything they tell 'em to print.  So you think the Mainstream Media is confirming a CIA story, when in fact the Media didn't bother to investigate a bit.

The hoot is, most Americans don't believe a word of this.  Worse yet, all of it will slowly vanish from the Internet, unless you know where to look.  The search engines will conveniently "forget."  The last remaining record will be a site called the "Wayback Machine"--but if the Democrats are deemed to win in 39 days that will disappear too--probably on bullshit "national security" claims.


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