October 09, 2024

Democrats win power by bleating about a problem, then claiming they can solve it. Really?

Some of you may have noticed that political parties win votes (thus power) by claiming to have identified dire, awful, terrible problems--for which they then propose billion-dollar "solutions."

Canny politicians can easily make tens- or hundreds of millions of dollars from grifting off these so-called "solutions."  If you're skeptical, look at the fortune Al Gore has made from setting up "exchanges" to sell "carbon credits."

Socialists and Democrat grifters quickly realized that the best kinds of problems have two qualities: First, the grifters need to be able to tout them as either dire threats or crushing burdens, like being poor.  And second, the most successful are completely unsolvable--ensuring the grift can last for decades.

Again unsurprisingly, the Left *loves* problems like these: "Sit on your ass and get stoned all day and we'll give you money."

By contrast, most conservatives embrace a policy called "laissez-faire," which amounts to "If you wanna improve your condition, study hard and work hard."

Of course this policy doesn't remotely appeal to people who prefer to drink and smoke weed all day, and since in today's America that's half the country, you can see why the Democrat policies are so popular.  

Example: Marx made a living from telling the poor that the only reason they were poor was that they were being exploited by the rich. Proposing to solve "inequality" has given top communists a lifetime grift--while only resulting in the murder or starvation of 300 million or so--which is dismissed as trivial when you claim to be "ending inequality," eh?

As communists are fond of saying, "Can't make an omelet without breaking eggs."

Another example: "gun violence."  Cackles, the Democrat party, communists and socialists claim the solution to "gun violence" is to confiscate guns from citizens and impose long prison terms for anyone who refuses to comply.  Sound familiar?

Note how carefully Cackles (and thus her cunning party) *word* this: "We do NOT propose gun *confiscation!*  No no no!  Merely a "mandatory buy-back."  See?  Not duh same at ALL, comrade!

Ah.  "Mandatory," y'say.  Meaning prison for those who refuse?  Yeah, that's what we thought.  Regardless of the cutesy name you slap on it, it's still confiscation.

Here's a data point for Cackles and the Dems: My guns have never gotten up in the middle of the night and killed anyone.  Never.  Which proves that the problem isn't "guns" but owners who are murderous thugs.

And another problem is, thugs won't surrender their guns, since they know they won't be punished--because the Dems *need* the thugs to continue to kill (whether in the course of robberies or gang wars) *specifically to keep the grift going.*

Same with criminals in general: The official policy of the Democrat party--specified by none other than Cackles herself--is to let criminals out of jail without making 'em post any bail.  This let's 'em get right back on the street, back to robbing and raping.  Endless cycle.  Cackles even urged Americans to give money to a fund in Minnesota to bail out arsonists.  Seriously.

Want another example?  (They're endless.)  "Global warming."  Or rather, the Democrats *did* call it global warming until a string of four consecutive record-cold winters in the U.S. led Americans to start to suspect they were being conned.

At which point the grifters promptly changed the name of the problem to "climate change," which was brilliant because now no matter whether a given location has warmer or cooler weather than usual, they can say "AHA!  We warned you!"

A perfect grift, eh?

Another example?  The southern border.  Allowing millions of unvetted foreigners to enter the U.S. each year--many with criminal records--wasn't fast enough for the bidenharris regime, so it ordered Customs and Border Patrol to create a smartphone app to allow invaders to get permission to *fly* into the U.S. and then get free airline tickets to any other American city--no vetting, no questions, no ID needed.

Hard to see how this even remotely helped "solve" the problem.  Quite the contrary, it made it far, far worse, as every foreigner looking for a free home and education and medical care jumped right on the offer.

It doesn't take a PhD to realize that unsolvable problems are a virtually infinite source of money and power--as long as the grifters can keep the rubes "on the reservation."

When Democrats are pushing their solution to "a dire problem," no insanity is off the table.  Thus for decades now the socialists who run the big Democrat-ruled cities have been giving syringes to I-V drug users so they can inject illegal drugs.

Y'all knew that, right?  Those programs are always given the cutesy name "needle exchanges," even though no one is "exchanging" anything.  Instead, after the druggies shoot up, most just drop the used syringe (with needles attached) on the sidewalk.

The brilliant Dems who rule San Francisco give I-V drug users over 5 MILLION syringes per year.  In fact that number is from 2019.  After the public pushback to that number, Democrat rulers have stopped releasing the number.  No one will say what it was last year, but it's almost certainly up to 7 MILLION by now.  Try searching for the number.  No one is willing to put it in print.

Now there's even a "San Francisco Drug Users Union" demanding “a safe environment where people can use & enjoy drugs” and a “positive image of drug users" so they'll be "respected by the community.”

True believers dominate City Hall as well as a network of affiliated, hard-left, well-funded nonprofits that operate in the city.  They call it "harm reduction," and questioning any aspect of the policy is now heresy.

If this strikes you as likely to encourage I-V drug, congratulations.  But to ruling Democrats this is what passes for reasonable policy.  And free syringes are cheap, maybe 50 cents each in quantity.  The far larger cost is for Narcan, the antidote to opioid overdoses.  That shit is expensive.  But the rulers say...you pay, druggies get it for "free."  Cuz we beez compassionate.

In San Francisco there's now even a movement to give the homeless free booze.  The grifters who run Los Angeles are building brand-new high-rise apartments for 'em--with tax dollars, of course.  But these brand-new high-rise apartments won't be trashed like those built in New York City or Chitcongo or St. Louis.  Nope nope nope!  Cuz we gon' give ouah homeless on-site gyms an' "art therapy!"  Yep yep yep!  An' of course free syringes.  Cuz we iz smaht!  An' ouah drug users beez "respektid by duh community!"  Yep yep yep!

It's also no coincidence that California is headquarters of a thing called the "universal basic income" movement, in which left-wing mayors wheedle millions from left-wing "foundations" to experiment with giving, say, $2,000 per month to carefully-selected families.  They're not disabled, but have been chosen ("at random," eh?) to get that nice "government" check.  Cuz duh Dems beez gon' "end inequality," eh?

Communism and socialism dangle the same kind of benefit to workers everywhere.  "Why should you be forced to work for a living when we can seize the assets of the rich and give you more than enough money to live without working, eh?  All you have to do is join us."

Under communism and socialism--the ideas Democrats love--productive people are demonized, while people with guns who demand you hand over your earnings are somehow deemed good.
In this way, good became evil, and evil became good. The problem of making good into evil had been solved long ago in the Garden of Eden, but the problem of turning evil into good was unsolvable on the leftist terms of blaming society while denying individual accountability.

Democrats have spent billions of dollars (actually trillions) allegedly trying to solve either fake or unsolvable problems.  And in doing so they've forced taxpayers to give evil everything it wanted, claiming that would produce good results.

How's that working out for y'all, Democrats?

Some Americans realize that instead of solving anything, Dem policies have simply ensured that evil takes over.  And indeed, some leftists openly pushed for this very outcome.

If you think that's hyperbole, look up "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The Left’s problems are unsolvable because the Dems deliberately misstate them to make 'em conform to a simple formula: that all problems must be caused by those with power.

It's simple, thus easily understood by potential recruits.

Whether it’s "climate change," school shootings or drug addicts lying in the street, the solution is the same: give us Democrats more power and we'll fix it.

None of this has any hope of changing the number of junkies on the street, crazies in schools or the climate, but it does transfer massive amounts of wealth and power from one group to another--which was the real goal all along.

We can always count on Democrats and socialists to do everything in their power to make problems worse by ignoring the obvious causes and insisting that the only efforts to fix the problem must be limited to the policies the Dems propose.

Faced with ghastly levels of crime, Dems insist on freeing criminals.  Faced with huge numbers of homeless druggies and mentally ill, Dems subsidize it, giving 'em free needles.  Faced with an essentially endless supply of foreigners wanting to get freebies, Democrats offer to fly 'em in without making 'em trek.  And that solved the problem.  Just kidding.

Do growing numbers of people not want to work for a living?  Give 'em free monthly checks.  So-called "gun violence"?  Take guns away from law-abiding citizens, and ensure that Democrat DAs release thugs the same day and plea-bargain their sentences down to two weeks.  In California the Dems have made stealing up to $950 from a store a simple traffic-ticket offense.  No jail time.

How's that workin' out for ya, Dems?

And so the unsolvable problems continue to thrive in Dem-ruled America.

Democrats claim they know the only way to solve all our problems.  But it never works--because it's the Left that's created the problems.

The only way to solve our problems is by defeating the Left.


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