October 09, 2024

CBS interviews Cackles live. Word salad. The NEXT DAY they release an edited version

When conservatives say the Mainstream Media are a bunch of damn liars whose goal--always--is to cover for Democrats, Democrats scoff:  "Conspiracy story!  Not possible!  Fake newz!"

That last is really ironic, considering that the Media *defines* fake news.

But to prove Media covering up for Democrats we usually have to show gross bias in questions, like asking Cackles softballs while throwing gotcha questions at every conservative.  So it's a bit subjective.

By contrast, what you're about to see is the clearest example of a Mainstream alphabet network (CBS) editing an answer by Cackles to replace her *actual* answer--total word salad--with a better one.  Here's how it happened:

Last Sunday evening (6 Oct) Cackles did an interview on the CBS flagship show "60 Minutes," and did her usual word salad--refusing to answer questions in any substantive way, substituting bafflegab.

A day later CBS released an edited version, which substitutes a concise non-answer to a different question for her actual much longer meaningless bullshit.  Take a look.  The top panel is her actual response.  The one below that is the edited answer.  See if you can spot the edit:


Harris is a total fraud.  A fake.  If you EVER believe a single word or frame from the Lying Mainstream Media, you deserve whatever happens to ya. 

And here's the ultimate bullshit irony: CBS warning viewers/readers about the horrifying possibility of "deep fakes" made with artificial intelligence.  Of course this one was merely a "cheap fake"--an edit.  Yes, you lying sons of bitches, it's getting harder to tell fake newz from real.  Oh wait...if you bastards did it, we KNOW it's fake.  

And you're so smug and arrogant that you didn't think anyone would notice!  Guess you think we're all as dumb as Democrat voters, eh?

Source: https://x.com/i/status/1843664856446316758


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