October 08, 2024

28 days before the election, Hilliary bleats about "losing total control" unless...

“Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok...if they don’t moderate (censor) the content, we lose total control..."    —Hillary Clinton

"We lose total control"?  Yes Hilliary, you and your corrupt party do lose control.

On September 26th or so--just 39 days before the terrifying presidential election--fate dealt the people of North Carolina and Tennessee a devastating blow.  As 100,000 or so poor, hard-working folks--people Hilliary called "deplorables"--shivered in the cold and dark, amid the stink of corpses in the mud, the utterly corrupt, amoral, evil, power-mad Democrat nominee and her equally corrupt party yet again showed their incompetence.

And now Hilliary, Cackles and their gang of Hollywood Satan-conjurors, globe-trotting errand boys, race hustlers, drag queens, lawfare grifters, spooks and cut-outs have pissed these folks off royally.

And tens of millions of other "deplorables" have noticed.  Cackles had no problem spending tens of billions on her beloved illegal invaders.  But for Americans whose homes were totally destroyed she promised the princely sum of...$750 ??

Meanwhile, just eight days after Helene, as the dazed people of Buncombe County, NC, stumbled dazed through a shattered landscape, on October 2nd DHS chief (the corruptocrat who also rules FEMA) Alejandro Mayorkas was caught on video saying "FEMA is out of money, because we expect another hurricane this season."

Except the fiscal year began a day earlier, on October 1st.  All account were re-funded.  So FEMA could not *possibly* have been out of funds.  And unless Mayorkas is incompetent, he had to have known this.  So...he lied.

Given the shattering natural disaster in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina, why Hillary would be dumb enough to allow herself to be recorded on video warning social media sites that they'd better censor content the Dems don't like (i.e. end free speech) is a mystery.

Sure, it might just be unfortunate timing, but my guess is that as we reach 28 days to the election, and more Americans see the moronic Dem nominee continue to reveal herself as incompetent, the Democrats are getting desperate.

Thus Hilliary's threat to social media to only allow content approved by the Democrat party.

Yes, you're losing "total control," you evil hag. Totally.  And that's nothing: just wait til you leave this realm for the next.

H/T James Kunstler


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