October 06, 2024

Democrats & Media oppose Georgia anti-vote-fraud rule, bleating "it will delay election results"

These are the same assholes who keep telling us they won't know who won the election by midnight on election night.  Or even by three or four days later.  See, they'll only (claim to) know who won after they find out how many fake ballots they need to overcome Trump's lead.  Then they'll have to dump in enough fake ballots to supposedly win by 10,000 claimed "votes" out of 8 million or so in a state.  Magic!

If you're a young American you have no idea how the Dems stole 2020.  You would never believe it.  The total number of "votes" that allegedly gave the utterly, totally corrupt bidumb the "win" was about 43,000, in three "battleground states."

Seriously.  Here are the officially reported "votes" for the three swing states that made bidumb president:  (page 12)
AZ: bidumb 1,672,143   Trump 1,661,686   Official margin: 10,457  11 EVs
GA: bidumb 2,473,633   Trump 2,461,854   Official margin: 11,779  16 EVs
WI:  bidumb 1,630,866   Trump 1,610,184   Official margin: 20,682  10 EVs

Just under 43,000 "votes" gave the Dems 37 electoral votes.  If these 37 EVs had gone for Trump, the electoral vote would have been tied at 269, throwing the result to the House--which had a Republican majority.

Let's take a look at two of the three states and see if we find evidence of vote fraud.

In Georgia, by midnight on election night in 2020 Trump seemed to have an insurmountable lead.  But at 10 pm counting at the State Farm arena in Dem-ruled Atlanta was suddenly stopped, and poll watchers and the Media were told to go home.  The "official" reason was claimed to be a leak in what was reported by the Lying Media as a "water main."  

Poll watchers said they were ordered to leave.

But actually counting was NOT stopped.  Surveillance cameras recorded four Democrat "election workers" continuing to scan ballots--sometimes re-scanning the same stacks of 500 ballots several times.  Yes, it's on video.  Making it even more suspect was that two of the four were a mother and daughter.

Only later did we learn that the so-called "broken water main" was actually an overflowing urinal.  That was reported at about 7:30 a.m. and was fixed by 9 a.m.  It did NOT affect counting *in any way.*  So how could Democrat officials (who rule Fulton county and were in charge of counting the votes) claim they were stopping the count due to a "broken water main," eh?

Great question.  That question has never been answered--and I suspect that by this late date you won't be able to find any election official who will admit to giving the order to stop counting.

Convenient, eh?

So IF the Dems still claim the count was stopped for a "broken water main" we can prove that's a lie.  If some other cause, do tell.

In any case, the count was stopped, and when it was resumed the next morning enough absentee ballots marked for bidumb had been "found" or double-counted to have him declared the winner by less than 11,779 alleged votes.

Recounts and audits showed discrepancies in several counties, including examples found of ballots being scanned (and counted) twice.

Finally, after more than a month, Georgia’s so-called “Republican” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (spoiler: he's a Dem plant) validated the claimed Dem win.

Rational adults ask "Did you examine all the allegations of vote fraud, including multiple scans of the same stacks of ballots?

Of course the answer is no: they denied any election fraud occurred.  The surveillance camera footage was "waved away" as not showing what it appeared to show.  The mother-daughter team were never cross-examined in court, under oath, as to why they fed the same stack of ballots into the same scanner multiple times.

Since 2021, Republicans have won a majority on Georgia's election board, and have implemented a new rule for the 2024 election requiring that before a precinct certifies its election results, the poll workers must hand-count the number of ballots cast to verify that the number of actual paper ballots matches the total number of ballots reported as scanned.

To be clear, the poll workers are not tabulating votes--a lengthy process which would require counting the votes for all the down-ballot offices.  Instead the new rule simply counts the number of ballots, to prevent fraudsters from scanning ballots more than once.  Seems pretty reasonable.

So naturally Democrats and the media are howling in protest.  They know Cackles can't win Georgia without tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots.  Comically, however, they're claiming their only objection is that hand-counting the ballots "will delay the reporting of election results."  And 8 days ago they sued to block it from taking effect.

>>“Democrats sue to block new Georgia election rule requiring hand counting of ballots” [CBS – 9/30/2024]
  Sub-head: New rules could spark election-day chaos!>>


Cackles's "principal deputy campaign manager bleated "This rule is unproductive, and we are fighting it.  Democrats are stepping in to ensure Georgia voters can cast their ballots knowing that they will be counted in a free and fair election."

<<Except, of course, the hand-counting of the *number* of ballots has zero effect on whether those ballots will be counted.  In fact it eliminates one of many likely avenues of election fraud.

Tellingly, fake-Republican Raffensperger, who is in charge of elections, has sided with the Democrats in opposing the hand-counting of ballots.

Amusingly, in their lawsuit the Democratic National Committee complains that the new rule "could introduce uncertainty into the effort to tally votes, and could delay certification of the state's election results."

This is a hoot because the regime media has been telling Americans for weeks now that we shouldn't expect to know the winner on election night.  Here's the NY Times:

>>“Once Again, Election Results Could Take Awhile”

    For the second straight presidential election, it is becoming increasingly likely that there will be no immediate winner on election night, *and that early returns could give a false impression of who will ultimately prevail.*>>


<<Translation: If Trump's ahead at 3 a.m, don't believe that will hold up.

But the Democrats and their Media allies bleat that waiting an hour or so to prevent the double-counting of ballots in Georgia is an unacceptable delay.

So how common is double scanning of ballots in Georgia?  The only way to know would be to compare all the images of scanned ballots in a precinct to all the others in that precinct.  With computers and "AI" this should be trivially easy, but Democrat politicians will block any such efforts--because they know what they would show.

In the 2020 election there were indisputable examples of ballots being scanned more than once.  In fact Fulton County election workers were reprimanded for doing so.  (Of course the "official" vote tallies weren't changed.)

“Fulton County reprimanded for double-scanned ballots in 2020 recount” [Atlanta Journal Constitution - 5/07/2024]


The election board found that county election workers likely scanned over 3,000 ballots twice during the recount of the 2020 presidential election.

Democrats and the media imply that these 3,000 ballots were the only ones  scanned multiple times--and since the Dems officially "won" by 11,779 votes, this minor error wouldn't have changed the results.

But again, we can't know this was the only incident of double-scanning.

Also in Fulton county, another 20,713 ballots were counted for which no paper trail exists. When a ballot is scanned, the machine is supposed to print certain identifying information on a paper "tape."  Other than the ballots themselves, it's the only "hard copy" of the number of ballots scanned.

Without the tape, workers could report totals from the scanner showing tens of thousands more *indicated* votes than were actually cast.

Of course the fact that no paper tapes were found--for ten scanners, all in Fulton county--could just be because they were lost.  So of course that's what the lying Democrat-fellators at the Associated Press claimed:  
>>“Missing 2020 poll tallies in Georgia don’t prove 20,713 votes never existed” [AP – 12/20/2023]>>
Again, this was in the same Democrat-ruled county that double-scanned the 3,000 ballots.  Coincidence?  Were all the tapes that are missing from the same precinct?

So there is NO hard copy showing these 20,713 votes were cast.  All we have are digital results, which are long gone, and easily faked.  Yet the AP "journalist" erroneously "reports" that digital results are the same as a “paper trail”--a hard copy.  Supid, or corrupt?

A spokeslackey from the Secretary of State's office shows that Raffensperger isn't concerned about the fact that there's no paper trail for 20,000 votes:

>>• “Poll tapes are not supposed to go missing, but precincts are managed by human beings who sometimes make mistakes.”>>

<<If paper printouts for 20,713 votes from a pro-Trump district were missing, think the SecState's office would simply shrug "people make mistakes"?

>>• “If you lose your receipt, it doesn’t mean you didn’t get groceries."

<<This is dismissing a charge by trying to trivialize it, using a kind of sneer.

>>• “I would find it a little suspicious if every poll tape were exactly where it was supposed to be. That would be too good to be true.”

<<Same as above: "I would be concerned if we *found* all the tapes," eh?

That fraud-friendly attitude from Raffensperger’s office is exactly why the new ballot-counting control measure is so desperately needed.

Even the AP “fact check” admits there were double-counted ballots in 2020, but claims "the errors weren’t enough to alter the election results."  But how are you sure you've found all the errors?
SO...care to predict what the judge in the DNC's lawsuit against the new rule will DECREE?  Sure: you already guessed.  The Dems filed their lawsuit in the "Superior Court of Fulton County," which is entirely run by Democrats like Fani Willis.  I doubt there's a single Republican judges on that court.  So the cunning Democrats will get a ruling barring the new law from taking effect.

Anyone care to bet?

Fulton County has 450,000 Democrat voters.  They could create 30,000 fake ballots and no one would detect any anomaly.

Arizona:  Bidumb supposedly won by 10,457 votes.  Local investigators found roughly 50,000 ineligible voters.  Election workers in the by-far largest county in the state (totally corrupt) refused to turn over voting machines to the state legislature for examination.  Just flatly refused.  And the legislature didn't jail anyone.  

The thing speaks for itself: If the machines weren't tampered with, why refuse to allow 'em to be examined?  The investigators also found that many voting machines were connected to the Internet, in violation of election procedures.




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