August 02, 2024

New CDC report on infant mortality in 2022 shows a VERY curious twist

Those of us who've followed the numbers have known since about six months after the covid vax was approved that it does NOT prevent people from getting or transmitting the Chyna virus.  So it's NOT "effective."  They lied.

There's also been a ton of argument over whether the covid "vaccine" kills or injures people who take it.  I think a week-old CDC report provides new evidence that it does, and that no one seems to have noticed yet.

It's in a 19-page "vital statistics report" titled "Infant Mortality in the United States, 2022," released just a week ago (July 25, 2024), by the CDC.  Yes, the same corrupt CDC that's lied about so much else.  

Because medicine in advanced countries gets slightly better every year, infant mortality rates have been dropping--slowly--for the last 20 years.  Like, half a percent or so a year.

Then suddenly, unexpectedly, in 2022 infant mortality in the U.S. increased.  And not just a touch: According to the corrupt CDC that rate rose by a staggering THREE PERCENT.  

Note that this stunning number isn't from an entity the Powers That Be can sneeringly dismiss, because it came from the CDC--which is presumed to have ALL the data.

(If they've scrubbed this report from the Net let me know if you'd like copy.  When you find a report or paper on the Net that shows the regime is probably lying, always download a copy, because if the regime realizes what happened they WILL try to make it vanish.  All you see is "File not found.")

Now, if you're not a numbers person you don't know whether a 3% increase in infant mortality should be alarming.  Other numbers move 3% and no one is concerned.  Why should this be any different?

In 2022, 20,577 of the 3.66 million babies born in the U.S. died.  But as noted earlier, due to gradual advances in medicine the rate of infant mortality in the U.S. has been dropping fractionally every year.

When you have a sample size of 20,000 or so, then unless some big disaster is happening, like war or a pandemic, mortality rates for such a large group shouldn't change more than a tiny bit from year to year.  For the infant mortality rate in 2022 to reverse that trend--to increase by a staggering THREE PERCENT in a single year--is astronomically unlikely to have been due to chance.

This report should be prompting experts to ask the obvious question:  What caused such a huge increase in infant mortality in 2022?  But so far no expert seems to have asked that question.  At least if anyone has, it hasn't been reported.  

Perhaps that will change as more "experts" see the week-old CDC report.  Meanwhile let's see if anything that happened in 2021 or 2022 could explain this staggering increase.

If you're an adult with a good memory (yeah, I know) you may recall that the corrupt FDA approved the first covid "vaccine"--an "emergency use only" approval--on December 11th of 2020.  It was approved for use for ages 16 and up.  Remember?  

So for all practical purposes the regime began pushing the "vaccine" (in quotes because it's not technically a vaccine) around the time biden was installed, in late January of 2021.

On September 9th, 2021, Porridgebrain had his Labor Department (!?) ORDER that all Americans working for companies with 100 or more employees had take the jab or be fired.  (Yeah, I know there were other options but too costly for most "ordinary" workers.)  As a result of this order, by the end of that year 75% of Americans had taken at least one jab.

The CDC, FDA, biden himself, and Fauci and Birx absolutely assured Americans that the jab was "effective"--which they specifically defined as "If you get vaccinated you cannot get covid, nor transmit it."  That was a brazen lie.  They also absolutely assured you it was "safe."  That too was a lie.

SOoo...think there's a good chance they may have lied about some other things too?

I think the evidence shows they lied about the jab being safe babies born to women who took the jab.  

If you examine Pfizer's test results, only a small number of pregnant women volunteered for the vax trials, and many of those reportedly couldn't be found for followups.  That information is in the public domain, but utterly buried in thousands of pages of "cover."

Now look at the figure below:  Dark blue is 2021, the cyan-ish is 2022.  As you see, the infant mortality for every age group except one is either up or essentially unchanged.  For mothers between the ages of 25 and 29 is up 4.27 percent--and the bar for 2022 has a footnote saying that increase is "statistically significant."  

But the rate for mothers 15-to-19 is up a staggering 7.8 percent--a far higher rate of increase.  Yet the CDC didn't apply the footnote to that group.  

But now look at the only group for which the rate of infant mortality went down:  It's "younger than 15," and their rate dropped by about 4.7 percent.  What could account for infant mortality dropping only for mothers under 15 and no other age group?

Recall that when the jab was first approved, it was only approved for age 16 and over.  It wasn't until July of 2022 that the FDA approved the jab for children under 16.

I suggest the explanation for the unusual reversal of the trend for the under-15 group is that no girls who were under 15 when they gave birth were vaccinated, while 75% of those over 16 had taken at least one shot by the time they gave birth.

This suggests that the known-dangerous mRNA "vaccine" increases the probability of infant mortality.

===  [infant mortality]

Amusingly, even today the website of the utterly corrupt department of "Health and Human Services" still bleats that the jab is both "safe and effective," long after the regime itself has quietly, grudgingly admitted it's neither. 


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