July 30, 2024

Democrat Media absolutely slobbering over "Kamalot"

Check the cutesy caption in the upper right corner: "In a matter of days the Democrat party discovered that its future was in the White House all along."  

Yes they did.  When they realized biden--their legal nominee, duly elected by the oh-so-sacred democratic vote, eh?--was gonna get clobbered, they came up with a plan to force the legal nominee out--but in a way that would make it seem voluntary.

Cuz see, if dere smahht Dem voters saw dat dey wuz FORCIN' duh dear, beloved prezzy out, it would make it SOooo obvious that this was a coup, just like in banana republics, eh?  So dey had to made sure all dere voters--who, again, are all REEEally smaht!--believed duh legal nominee wuz resigning the nomination totally of his own free will, right?

Except...it was kind of a lie:  He did agree to step down as nominee, but only after the Dem rulerz threatened that if he didn't, a) the big donors wouldn't give the party any more money; and b) they'd remove him from office before the convention, via the 25th Amendment.

Now think about it: what would someone who's been a politician for his whole life do to avoid that sort of historical footnote, eh?  Answer: anything.  So he did.

Now: I don't give a tinker's dam about po' ol' joe being forced out.  He deserves so much worse, but I'm happy to let God sort that one out.  What I DO care about--not that it'll make any difference--is how utterly deftly the Democrat-fellating Media swept the coup under the rug, making it appear that the Dem rulerz didn't pressure joe at all!  Yep, just TWO days after he said he was in it all the way, he suddenly had this epiphany--all by hisself, eh?  No pressure at all!

What utter horseshit.  And all the while duh Dems were bleating "We's defending ouah precious democracy from duh eeeebil Orange Hitler!  Yep yep yep!"

And the media obediently parroted that obvious horseshit.

If, as seems an even bet right now, Cackles wins the presidency, Democrats will SO richly deserve what will absolutely happen.  For hard-working, taxpaying American families: I'm sorry.  You didn't deserve any of it.  Sadly, bad things happen to good people all the time--just like the thousands of innocent Americans either murdered or killed in DUI crashes by biden's, harris's and mayorkas's beloved aliens.

Democrats saddled us with biden and harris, and deserve to suffer for that.  And if they give Cackles enough votes to allow the Dems to steal it again, the past 3.5 years will seem like a dream compared to the next four.

I'll be fine.  Hope hard-working American families will be as safe and well as possible.


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