July 30, 2024

Democrat shill-site says Cackles pledges NOT to ban fracking. Wait...

Got kids or grandchildren?  Want a fast education on how thoroughly the Democrat-run Mainstream Media has propagandized them?

If they're over 14 or so, tell 'em "No pressure, I'm just curious..." and then ask 'em...

  1. what's "fracking"?
  2. what does it do, and how?
  3. is fracking good or bad?
  4. Who's the Dem nominee for president?
  5. Does she want to ban fracking, or not?

Here's a 20-second video of Cackles answering a one-on-one question: "As president, would you ban fracking?" 


Answer: yes.

Fast-forward to two days ago.  As you all should know, Pennsylvania--with its 19 electoral votes--is the biggest prize of the so-called "battleground states" that will decide the election.  Both parties need to win Pennsylvania to have a shot at winning the presidency.  Any Dem wanna dispute that?

Now here's something you don't know unless you're in the oil business: Pennsylvania has lots of old oil wells, many of which depend of fracking to keep them "economically viable."  Without that, they wouldn't produce enough oil to cover the cost of keeping the pump-jacks running.

Given Pennsylvania's crucial importance, Cackles has been there a lot recently, and president Trump noted that during her mercifully brief run for the Democrat nomination in 2020 she'd said she wanted to ban fracking.  (See video again if you think Trump made that up.)

So just TWO days ago, with Cackles desperately needing to win PA, Politico posted a piece of cover for Cackles headlined

"Harris campaign pledges she won’t ban fracking"

SO...we have Cackles bleating that "There's no question I would ban fracking," but a few days ago a Dem shill-site said she totally reversed that.  Or did she?  What's her true position, eh?  Do you think Politico--whose writers would sell their children into prostitution to support Democrats--is telling the truth?  Let's look what the cunning propagandists at Politico actually wrote:

“Trump’s false claims about fracking bans [claiming Cackles said she would BAN fracking] are an obvious attempt to distract from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives at the expense of the middle class,” the Harris campaign said in a statement. “She would not ban fracking,” a campaign spokesperson said in a follow-up email to Politico.

Wow, the un-named spokeswhore--"the campaign"--says "Trump's false claims about fracking bans, eh?  Watch the video one more time when Cackles says, quite clearly, "There's no question I would ban fracking."  So..."False claims," Dem shills?  Seriously?

Now, after reading the quote from Politico above, did Cackles really say she would NOT ban fracking?

No, she didn't.  Read the quotes again if you need to.  The alleged "pledge that she won't ban fracking"  came NOT from Cackles but from her campaign.  If you don't believe that, re-read both the headline and the quotes from the Dem shill-sheet.

Democrats may think the exact source of the "pledge"--Cackles herself versus "the campaign"--isn't important, that "the campaign" speaks for the candidate.  Sometimes not.

Cackles and her team are desperate to keep young, naive Democrat voters from seeing her saying "I promise not to ban fracking," since naive, uneducated young people have been propagandized by the Dem-run Media to believe fracking is awful--even without knowing a thing about it.  But with the party's cunning strategy of having this in a written statement from the campaign, no one will have any video of Cackles saying she promises not to ban fracking, so young Dem voters stay on the plantation.

But ohhhh, the Dem-run media in Pennsylvania bleated this alleged "pledge" on every newzcast, since they want the state's older voters to believe her real policy--banning fracking--won't hurt their economy--which banning fracking would most certainly do.

The Media are working overtime to disappear all Cackles video that shows her true policies.  This is just one of scores of examples.

After the Net went viral with the clip of Cackles saying she would ban fracking, Politico stealthily revised its headline, which had called the statement a "Trump accusation," implying it wasn't true.  But they only did it after the clip showing she said it went viral.

And here's the last lie: A spokeswhore for Politico lied "The headline was changed to accurately reflect the Vice President’s evolving positions on fracking."

But of course the change had nothing whatsoever to do with Cackles' "evolving positions," eh?  The change was to take out "Trump accusation" after the video showed Cackles clearly said she would ban it.

Lies, lies, lies from the Dem media.  You're being conned.  Played for suckers, just like 2020.




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