August 01, 2024

Cackles said she wants to ban all drilling on federal leases

A few folks with good internet search skills have posted the vid of Cackles saying she'd ban fracking, period.  But even worse is what you almost certainly did NOT see:  she also said she would ban drilling on all federal leases.

Any idea what percentage of U.S. oil production comes from federal leases?  Unless you're in the biz you have no idea, but take a guess.

As of this year the federal "Energy Information Administration" says 15 percent of all U.S. oil production, and about 5% of all gas, came from the Gulf of Mexico.

But now ask the corrupt Bureau of Land Management the same question:  
"How much of US oil comes from federal leases?"
  Here's BLM's answer:

For fiscal year 2022, oil, gas, and natural gas liquids produced from the Federal mineral estate accounted for approximately 11 percent of all oil and 9 percent of all natural gas produced in the United States.

Oh wait: Wiki says offshore federal leases produce 28% of all U.S. oil.

Wow, who's right?  Turns out the BLM is flatly wrong--just due to stupidity.  They're falsely defining "the federal mineral estate" as just onshore.  But of course the federal gruberment also owns ALL offshore rights from 3 miles off the coast all the way to the boundary with nearby nations.
  This is why you can't trust ANY statement from a federal agency: they either try to slip a lie by ya deliberately, or by stupidly misunderstanding a simple term.

The EIA leads you to believe that the only offshore area of interest is the Gulf of Mexico, but that's false.  At least they did say Gulf.  Anyway, Wiki is right: a staggering 28% of all U.S. oil comes from offshore fed leases.

So if we add the BLM's 11 percent of all U.S. oil production on federal leases to the 28 percent of U.S. oil production from fed offshore leases, we're up to 39 percent of all oil produced in the U.S.  Same for gas: add BLM's 9 percent to Wiki's 14% and it turns out 23% of all gas consumed in the U.S. comes from federal leases.

Now for the kicker: Cackles said (live on CNN) that she wanted to ban ALL oil and gas drilling on federal leases, which would kill all future wells.

Trump should show that clip, and then ask viewers and "journalists" to ask Cackles if she still stands by her flat declaration--a nation-killing statement--to leftist viewers on Dem-adoring CNN.

Oh wait, I hear some Democrats saying "Chill, deplorable!  Ouah dear Kamala--the smartest VP in our nation's history--nevah said she'd order existing wells to be shut in!  She'd just ban *future* drilling, see?  So we'd still have all that existing production!  Besides, in three more years we'll all be driving electric cars anyway, so we won't need all dat climate-killing oil an' gas!"

Want a fast education on reality?  Production of both oil and gas from existing fields drops off every year like crazy.  Here's Wiki, which you leftists trust--and which means if the article is biased, it benefits the Left:

In 2007 (17 years ago) federal offshore tracts produced 27% of the oil and 14% of the natural gas in the United States.
   In 2007 (again, 17 years ago) oil production in federal waters was 492 million barrels, down from the record of 602 million barrels in 2002--a drop of 18 percent.

Democrat moron: "Wait...dat can't be right!  Once yew finds a oil field, production should only increase as more wells are drilled.  How kin doze fields evah produce less?"

Okay, sure: maybe oil was an "anomaly," eh?  Maybe a bunch of duh oil turned to gas, or water, or deadly carbon dioxide, eh?  So let's check the record, shall we?

Here ya go:  In 1996 offshore gas production from federal leases was 5.25 "TCF" (trillions of cubic feet).  So how much gas was being produced, say, 21 years later?

In 2007 gas production from federal offshore leases was 2.86 TCF--a drop of 45%.

So if we don't allow offshore drilling--all of which is on federal leases--all existing production dwindles to virtually nothing in another decade or so.  

Starting to get the picture yet?  Nah, but you're gettin' closer.


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