August 01, 2024

Another teen girl seriously injured by a tranny opponent in highschool sports. Media: "Whu? We don' see nuffin!"

Suppose one day you have a daughter, and she loves playing volleyball.  She plays for her highschool, and thanks to Democrat policies the wokie sons of whores who run the school system hath ORDERED dat males claiming to be girls MUST be allowed to compete in girls' sports--cuz otherwise duh wokiez bleat dat duh po' trannies would be "denied the right to play school sports."

As all people with an IQ over 80 should instantly recognize, that's utter horseshit.  Males pretending to be girls are welcome to play school sports!  You just can't play as a girl if you're not one.

Wait, is that too hard a concept for Democrats to grasp?

Payton McNabb was playing for her school when a ball spiked at 70 mph by a large tranny on the other team struck her in the face, knocking her unconscious.  Video shows the 5ft 11in trans player laughing after the spike to Payton's head sent her to the floor.

The hit left Payton with brain damage and paralysis on her right side, which not only ended her dreams of getting a volleyball college scholarship and has made it difficult to walk without falling.

Now let's see how Democrats react:

Dem #1: "Why yew upset, deplorable?  People get injured all the time playing sports!"

Dem #2: "It would be UNFAIR to keep transgender pyrsyns from competing as women!  After all, 'transgender women ARE women!'"

Dem #3: "Dis story not true!  Dis nevah happen!  Dis jus' a right-wing conspiracy tale!"

Dem #4: "If it's true, duh girl who was knocked out should have had her hands in front of her face to deflect the ball, since it was obvious that the totally female pyrsyn on the other side was gonna spike it!"

Dem #5: "If yew object to males competing in womens' sports ouah faaaabulous prezzy has said you've broken his DECREE that Title IX NOW covers 'gender' as well as sex.  An' if yew break federal law, duh totally not-corrupt Merrick Garland will be right to put you in prison!"

This is where the U.S.--and the rest of the wokie western political "rulerz"--are today.  The fucking Olympic Committee has DECREED that males can compete against women in boxing.  One female competitor quit a match against a male after just 50 seconds, falling to her knees and yelling "This is un-just."  But since she wasn't your daughter, whut do yew care, right?

Fuck all of you.  You're morons, because you bought the wokie line that "Trans women ARE women," and you're seeing the results.

And we're just getting started, cupcake.  With the help of the corrupt, slobbering, fawning Mainstream Media, stupid Democrats are about to elect a totally corrupt moron to rule this country.  If you love carnage, you'll love Cackles.



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