August 01, 2024

In 2020 Cackles was so unpopular that she dropped out before the first primary. But suddenly...


Back in 2020 Cackles couldn't get over ONE percent in the polls in her damn home state of Kalifornia.  She dropped out before the Iowa primary.  But somehow NOW she's got the support of damn near every Democrat--and of course the ENTIRE corrupt Mainstream Media!

Isn't that amazing?  How do ya suppose she suddenly got so much more popular, eh?

It's a total mystery, right?  Say, you don't suppose this alleged popularity is all fake, ginned up by the Democrat-fellating Mainstream Media, do ya?

Nah, bro, it gotta be, like, totally authentic!  Cuz, like, duh pollsters would nevah lie, would dey?  An' dey tells us Cackles is leading in five of the six battleground states!

As we get closer to the election, watch the numbers reported by your totally honest gruberment start to make everything look totally faabulous!

Count on it.  And the Lying Mainstream Media will do back-flips publishing stories about how utterly faaabulous all the indicators are!  Yep yep yep!  They'll tell you grocery prices are down (a lie), home prices are down (another lie), "workforce participation rate" is up (third lie), and that Americans say they're really optimistic about the future--if we elect the Democrat candidate.

This is utterly predictable--because the Media wants the Dems to win.


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