July 29, 2024

Democrats: "The U.S. murder rate is so high because that darn 2nd A. lets civilians own gunz!"


Firearm homicide rates:  The Lying Mainstream Media has constantly told us for decades that the U.S. a terribly high murder rate BECAUSE your Constitution allows ordinary citizens to own guns.  Well let's take a look and see if, like everything else the Lying Mainstream Media bleats, this too is horseshit:


As you see, our murder rate is lower than Canada's--which does NOT have a Second Amendment.  We're lower than France, Austria, even peaceful Finland.  So...y'all startin' to see you've been lied to?

Of course there is one demographic in the U.S. that's notorious for shooting innocent people, killing scores of children with wild shots.  Wonder if their murder rate changes the overall average, eh?  Take a look:


But don't worry, citizen: Cackles is gonna fix it, just like she fixed the border.


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