August 30, 2024

Here's yet another outrage by the harris/biden regime that you never heard about

Here's yet another thing the Mainstream Media has hidden from us: on January 20, 2021 the Biden-Harris administration had their lackeys in congress introduce a bill called "the U.S. Citizenship Act."

Wow, how delightful that name sounds, eh?  That deception was deliberate, because...that bill proposed to give total amnesty--and citizenship--to the millions of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. on that date--estimated to be about 19 million at that time.

(Note this doesn't include the 11 million illegals allowed into the U.S. in the 3.6 years of the biden-harris regime.)

But gets worse: a provision of that bill also allowed illegal aliens who'd been deported from the U.S. on or after January 20, 2017 to apply for the same amnesty and citizenship.

Wait...those two dates (Jan 20th, 2021 and Jan 20th, 2017 ring some bells.  OHH, got it!  The first date was when Porridgebrain and Cackles were installed.  So the bastards introduced there outrageous amnesty/citizenship for illegals on their FIRST DAY IN OFFICE.

Say, was that bill quickly passed by the then-Dem-ruled congress?  Mystery, eh?  Cuz you can bet that if it had, the Lying Mainstream Media wouldn't have told ya.

So what's the 2017 date?  Ahh yes: it's the day Trump was inaugurated.  So the "Citizenship Act" introduced at the behest of the harris/biden regime said every single illegal deported by Trump could apply for amnesty and citizenship.  Wow!

As you probably guessed, that bill was never brought up for a floor vote, so didn't become law.  It was the regime's thumb to the eye of Trump and conservatives: "We're gonna invite all the pipo yew deported to come back in and apply for citizenship!"

Betcha the drink of your choice that you never heard a word about that bill, eh?

But don't worry, gets worse:  The official Democratic Party platform this year supports that policy.  Seriously.

The Trump administration deported about 1.5 million "unusually bad" illegal aliens, including tens of thousands who'd committed serious crimes like  sexual assault.

Of course a party's presidential nominee doesn't automatically support all the policies in the party's platform, right?  Except Cackles has applauded the bill on several occasions. In June 2021, she thanked Democrat senator Bob Menendez (found guilty of corruption in office) for "leading the way on the U.S. Citizenship Act."

Last February Harris issued a written statement praising the bill and bragging about offering "a  pathway to citizenship for immigrants, such as Dreamers who have been here for years."  But the statement carefully doesn't mention that the harris/biden bill offered citizenship to the really bad illegals who were deported by Trump.  Cuz admitting dat to voters might have cost her votes!

A spokeswoman for Harris’s presidential campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Even without the never-passed bill, the harris regime has *flown* immigrants who were deported by the Trump administration back to the U.S.

For example, earlier this year the harris regime began quietly flying citizens of Cameroon who were deported under Trump back to the U.S.  That program was not announced to the public.  Hmm...
No member of the regime will say if that program is still ongoing *OR whether it has been applied to other deportees.  Wow.

Transparency?  Nevah heard of it, peasant.

So what's Cackles' position on this policy, eh?  You can't find out, cuz she refuses to answer questions about her policies.  My guess is that she'll claim it's fake news, then when shown it's real she'll claim she didn't know about it.  Then when asked whether she supports the policy of flying deported illegals BACK to the U.S., she'll say "My position hasn't changed."  But what IS that position?

"Fuck you, next question."

On Thursday, an unnamed adviser told Fox News that Harris has modified a number of positions related to the border.  In her CNN interview Thursday night Cackles repeated that "My position hasn't changed."  No further explanation offered--or demanded. 



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