July 21, 2024

Conspiracy theory goes viral among Democrats: "The shooting was STAGED!!"

After the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Saturday, a conspiracy theory has gone viral in Democrat circles.  They're claiming Trump staged the shooting for a photo op and that the wound on his ear was caused by a shard of glass from one of the teleprompters.

They don't explain how, if this were staged, one man in the audience was killed and two others gravely wounded.  They don't explain countless video and still pics showing both teleprompters were still standing and perfectly intact after the shooting.  But of course they don't need to, eh?  It's yet another example of The Big Lie, and their moronic voters believe it.

Not all Dems believe it, but according to a poll by Morning Consult poll, released Monday, one-third of Dem voters DO believe it was staged.  Which explains how the nation was punished with Obama and biden.

To repeat: One in three registered Democrats polled said they believe it is "credible" that the shooting Saturday--which killed one man and gravely injured two other--was staged, and not an actual attempt to kill the Republican nominee. 

Democratic powerbroker Dmitri Mehlhorn wasted no time fanning the flames of conspiracy:  Just hours after the shooting he sent a memo to reporters asking them to portray the shooting as a false-flag operation designed to give Trump a good photo opportunity.  Mehlhorn emailed journalists to ask why "Not one newspaper or opinion leader is willing to openly consider the possibility that Trump and Putin staged this."

A liberal social media influencer wrote "Did the extreme right want this to happen?"  He claimed there was no hard evidence that a bullet grazed the former president's ear, and speculated that the staged shooting could have been connected to a plot to replace Trump atop the GOP ticket with former national security adviser Michael Flynn.  Or maybe with Mooch Obama.

The insane rat-bastards at MSNBC took a more subtle approach to pushing the conspiracy story, suggesting that Trump had to be hiding something by not releasing detailed medical records about his wound.

"If he was shot by a high-caliber bullet, there should probably be very little ear there," MSNBC host Michael Steele told viewers on Tuesday.  (For young readers: Michael Steel is a moron, and a Democrat plant who--amazingly--was the head of the Republican National Committee.  Amazing, eh?  The guy was a spy and a plant all along.)

David Harsanyi has a book coming out about the Democrats becoming a party of paranoia and conspiracy theories.

"Becoming"?  Democrats have always been the party of conspiracy theories. The party's foundational myths are all political conspiracy theories.  Examples:

  • Lower incomes by Blacks are NOT due to elites allowing Black kids to pass without being able to read or do math, but because White supremacists conspire to keep blacks down.
  • If women aren't picked for high-status jobs it has to be because The Patriarchy is conspiring to keep women down.
  • High inflation only strikes during free-spending Democrat administrations, and not because obscenely high spending causes it, but because "greed corporate fat-cats" raise prices to make more profit. (The Dems never explain why "corporate greed" takes a break when Republicans have the presidency.  You'd think that's exactly when "corporate fat-cats" would feel the most empowered to raise prices.)
  • Socialism only fails because "counterrevolutionaries" and "hoarders" sabotage perfect socialist economies.

Conspiracy theories, y'say?

A former moron who had his own hour-long late night show on MSNBC (Keith Olberman) wrote "Ronny Jackson [White House physician for Obama and Trump] isn't a doctor, which is perfect, because Trump wasn't hit by a bullet."  Seriously, he wrote that.

Social media quickly exploded with Dems agreeing that the assassination attempt was staged.  And lots of people who you would think should have known better, including so-called academics, joined the crazed bleating.

Conspiracy theories?  

In 2016 Hilliary [sic] and handlers crafted the tale that "Trump colluded with Russia to steal duh election from duh far smahtah, totally honest Hilliary.  Hill-beast used campaign funds to pay a former British spy to create a fake "dossier" claiming Trump had cavorted with hookers in Moscow.

The tale--created and paid for by Democrats--is the most successful and consequential propagnda coup in American history.  As recently as this year Nancy Pelosi was on MSNBC claiming that Putin probably "had something on Trump."

Conspiracy theories?

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss warned Democrats that if the GOP won the 2022 midterms it could mean "our children will be arrested and conceivably killed."

Beschloss is hardly alone.  For years, Democrats like Joy Reid have described Trump as "worse than Hitler."

The Democrats claimed unarmed demonstrators in the Capitol on January 6th were "an insurrection," and "trying to overthrow the incoming government."  And just last fall the Democrats began bleating that a GOP win "would mean the end of our precious democracy!"  biden himself echoed that bleat in his speech against the red-light background.  (The Dem color is blue.)  

There have been so many ginned-up moral panics over the past few years that it's difficult to keep track of them all.  Democrat policies are increasingly based on groundless or sensationalized anxieties, myths, revisionist histories, pseudoscientific alarmism, and outright lies. Democrats no longer debate, they accuse us of sedition.

How openly have the Dems conspired against Trump, and for how long?  Consider: At 12:19 pm on January 20th, 2017--just 19 minutes after Trump was sworn in--the Democrat-fellating Washington Post put this on their website: 

Conspiracy theories?  Less than 3 days after the attempt to kill Trump, a dipshit at Axios claimed "multiple photographers" had said it was "dangerous" for news outlets to keep showing the iconic photo of Trump under the huge flag, face bloodied, raising his fist, and that they should "bury the photo"--because it was "free PR" for Trump.

Heaven forbid that a photo of Trump seconds after he came within a fraction of an inch of being killed shows him bloody but unbowed, eh?  Hey Democrat assholes, it's called "history."  You demand that the photo be buried simply because it helps Trump, thus hurts your party.  Go to hell, bastards.

NBC has already trivialized the shooting by summarizing it as "Trump injured his ear."  Seriously, that's the exact quote, and their entire summary of that afternoon.  Like he bumped into a door or something.  An unbiased writer would have written that a bullet--on a path exactly parallel to the side of his head--pierced his ear, and that had his head been turned a fraction of an inch either way he would have been killed.  

Now summarized by the rat-bastards at NBC as just "Trump injured his ear."

Did I already say "Go to hell, bastards"?  Frankly I wouldn't be surprised to get a visit from duh Fibbies charging me with hate speech or something similar.  

Wouldn't surprise me a bit.


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