June 18, 2024

Top govt intelligence oversight agency goes all in for pRide month

The "Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) is the agency in charge of "overseeing" the entire U.S. "intelligence community, including the CIA, FBI, NSA and others.

These are reeeally serious pipo, who work tirelessly to determine how our enemies are stealing U.S. secrets!  Well, except for a few days during pRidemonth, when they'll be doing more important work for the biden regime, like having transgender flags painted on their nails and attending briefings on the importance of teaching children about the evils of the cis-patriarchy.

Of course you think that's satire, eh?  Nope.

Like most biden regime agencies the office of the "Director for National Intelligence" (ODNI) has an office under it called the "Office of Transgender and LGBTQ Support."  

That's not a spoof.  It really exists.  Virtually ALL regime agencies now have such offices.  And recently this one issued a three-page document listing nine "Pride Month activities" held by the ODNI.  Here's a quote from that document:

For nail painting we’ll have our pro team of artistes ready to decorate you for Pride Month, with the option of either "pride" or trans flag colors.  What better way to show your allyship to the community?”

Not the "intel community," but the gay mafia community.  And rest assured, attendance will be noted, as will failure to have your nails painted in one of the two approved color schemes.

All nine of these special pride-month celebrations will be held during working hours of America’s top intel directorate, since apparently none of the employees has anything better to do--although later they'll all get merit raises for their vital work defending the nation.

Employees working on mission-critical items, like ferreting out Chinese spies in our nuclear weapons labs or performance numbers on low-altitude hypersonic Russian and Chinese missiles can request an appointment to get their nails done at a convenient time.

One employee said "It's a matter of priorities.  We all know how important it is to the president and Kamala and Susan Rice to show total support for the multi-gender movement.  National security can always wait a few days."

The nail painting event took place on June 4.  One of the speakers at that even appeared on a YouTube channel aimed at K-3 students, called “Queer Kids Stuff.”

The same speaker also supports other forms of radicalism such as a "fund that invites all settlers (non-Native people) who wish to acknowledge the legacy of theft and genocide that comprise the history of New York City and the United States,” and another group dedicated to "organizing Asian and migrant sex workers."

The ODNI document encourages agents to write blog posts for the “Why I’m an Ally” series, which is run by the Pride Employee Resource Group.”

Then there’s ODNI’s “Pride Ally Challenge,” which began on June 3 and takes intelligence agents on a “guided journey to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and empower you to become a better, more well-informed ally” across 20 different daily activities.

ODNI is also hosting a “Walk with Pride” event later this month, inviting intelligence agents to “celebrate Pride and show your support for the LGBTQIA+ community.”

At the end of the month the agency will host a “Pride Summit” in which everyone is invited to speak for a few minutes on how much they love and support the LGBTQ+ community, and how much they loved taking part in the month of faaabulous activities instead of spending that time on silly "national security" stuff.

One DEI newsletter published and distributed by ODNI included an article from a U.S. intel  agent who claimed crossdressing made him a better agent.

One of the organizers of ODNI's pride month celebration said the White House had specifically approved these activities because sources in Kamala Harris's office said their sources in China and Russia had said both those countries were taking the month off to celebrate their own versions of pride month, meaning nothing bad would happen as long as Trump was kept locked up.

The source added “You’ve got the FBI director saying we’re opening a new counter-espionage case against China every 12 hours, and that just seems *so* over-the-top.  The White House has assured us that China is our friend.  And Russia is still bogged down in Ukraine.

The editor-in-chief of the ODNI newsletter also celebrated that employee resource groups within the intelligence community “have been particularly successful in creating a new framework and language guidelines for how we talk about the People’s Republic of China.” The new guidelines prohibit referring to China as an "enemy" or as having "hostile intent."

Instead there seems to be a growing competition between U.S. intelligence agencies as to which is doing more to support the LGBT community.  For example, the National Security Agency (NSA) published a "DEI glossary" that included terms like “white fragility,” “transmisogyny,” “settler colonialism” and even the hip gender-neutral pronouns “ze” and “zir.”




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