May 15, 2024

U.S. national debt is increasing by HOW MUCH every 100 days???

If you pay attention to events outside your reach (most people don't) you know that the national debt has exploded in the past 20 years.  If the Media did its job, every adult American with an IQ over 80 would know what that debt is.  Do you know?  If so, say it out loud.

Democrat: "So what?  Congress haz been spending mo' den it takes in fo' 70 years or so, an' nuffin' bad haz happen', eh?  So ev'ryt'ing fine!  Chill, deplorable!"

I find it SO amusing when morons who know nothing about math or finance tell the rest of us what to ignore, eh?

Hey moron, ever hear about someone who's run their credit card balance up so high that they're paying $2,000 a month just in interest?

That's your federal government.  And now just the interest on our nation's debt is approaching a trillion dollars a year.  

For my Democrat friends: how does a trillion dollars a year compare with, say, our defense budget?  

But gets worse: The debt is so huge that when you add the TRILLION dollars per year in interest to the yearly deficit--what the gruberment spends every year above what it takes in--our national debt is actually increasing by about one trillion dollars every 100 days.

Democrat: "Dis not true!  Dis fake newz!  No way dis possible!  Yew jus' a violent right-wing domestic extremist!"

Me: "Was there anything factual in any of that bleat?  No? surprise.  It's all true--and about to get worse as interest rates rise.  But keep bleating your stupidity."



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