May 13, 2024

Georgia election board stonewalled by corrupt Secretary of State's office on fraud evidence

Georgia's State Election Board was stonewalled by Dem state operatives claiming massive fraud in 2020, ensuring the coming November election will be again be loaded with fraud.

After the Democrats stole the Georgia elections (both presidential and the two senate seats), private investigators found what appeared to be evidence that 17,852 ballots counted as valid, weren't.

Supposedly, when ballots are "scanned"--a process that automatically adds the votes on each ballot to each candidate's total--the same scanner is supposed to also take a photo image of each ballot.  But for 17,852 ballots, no images exist.  This is critical because in 2020 the state was put in as a biden win by just 13,000 votes.

The claims of ballots counted without images could have been either proven or put to rest by examining paper copies of the ballots in question--but *for three years now Fulton county election officials have refused to allow the state election board to examine the ballots which have no images.*  And worse, the corrupt Secretary of State--a RINO named Brad Raffensperger--sided with county Democrats.  

It's been over three years since the claims of ballot fraud were explained in detail, but Fulton county officials are still refusing to allow ballots to be examined.

Note that the issue here is NOT whether the reported totals match the reports, but whether 17,852 ballots were valid or fraudulent.

A reasonable question is, why are there no images of so many ballots?  One reasonable guess is that the images don't exist because the ballots were never scanned--either because the ballots themselves don't exist, or that the same hundred ballots were scanned hundreds of times each--in which case a good image would likely reveal that fraud.

The Georgia State Election Board (SEB) is a sub-agency of the corrupt Secretary of State.  It only meets four times a year, so if someone wanted to prevent the election board from investigating, the blocker would only have to defend four times per year.

During its quarterly meeting a week ago (May 7, 2024), ONE member of that board--Janice Johnston--was asking the SoS office pointed questions about the dozens of "anomalies" in the 2020 election, including why no images existed for 17,852 ballots that were counted.

The female attorney for the SoS--Charlene McGowan--dodged every question by saying "We've already investigated that."  Her body language and mannerisms were *very* dismissive.  She was determined to prevent any investigation.  The one board member trying to ask questions never followed up on obvious bullshit non-answers and was almost contemptuously dismissed by attorney McGowan.   I watched the encounter and it was obvious McGowan wasn't gonna answer anything, but merely replying "We've investigated."
Johnston made a motion to refer the case to the Attorney General (AG) for investigation and prosecution, but board chair John Fervier--appointed by gov Brian Kemp--ruled the motion out of order.

The case is possibly one of the most important election cases in Georgia's history, but strangely, board member Rick Jeffares, who had promised support for the case, failed to attend the crucial hearing.  His odd absence was fatal, as he would have been expected to second Johnston's motion to refer the case.  That would have forced Chairman Fervier to put his cards on the table and vote the referral down instead of merely ruling out of order.

The next day both board members Jeffares and Johnston moved to reconsider the referral of Fulton County vote processing violations to the state AG, but chairman Fervier ruled the motions out of order.

The election board has never required motions to be placed on the agenda before they are made. Moreover, it is standard practice for the SEB to refer even just one violation of law to the AG when there is no reasonable explanation.  But not now, apparently.

Critics have actually identified 40,000 *more*  ballots counted as valid that failed obvious validity tests.

Dr. Johnston was the only member of the Board who asked questions of the SoS office, addressing clear violations of state laws, chain of custody issues, poor vote reconciliation and the fact that the state continues to refuse to allow 2020 ballots to be examined.

McGowan was often rude and impatient with Johnston's questions, all of which were submitted in good faith and in line with her duty to thoroughly investigate and respond to the case on behalf of Georgia voters. McGowan also failed to admit that she and the secretary of state's office have refused to allow the board to examine the paper ballots for which no images exist.  

Investigators Moncla and Rossi responded to the May 7 hearing with a letter to Chairman Fervier, noting that in the past the Board has  allowed critics to cross-examine witnesses to get closer to a "true hearing" of the issues.

Counsel for the Secretary of State waved away the matter of missing images, saying they had seen and hand-counted the paper ballots.  Of course that wouldn't detect multiple scanning of the same ballot.

SoS counsel McGowan repeatedly claimed that many of Johnston's concerns weren't part of the investigation, claiming the state was only asked to look at the recount, not ballot authenticity.  It's as if the SoS office doesn't really want to find answers it won't like.

The official Complaint notes that Fulton County officials admit they didn't preserved ANY ballot images from Election Day, except for those on "two flash drives" delivered seven months after the election.  If the procedure was that all ballots were imaged as they were scanned, this alone shows illegality.

Johnston's questions pointed out numerous gaps in data and poked holes in the logic of the state's investigators.  The SoS lackeys claimed specific files and certain data were "outside the scope of the state's investigation," but Johnston explained that it was the board's "duty to investigate" and that the information she was requesting is part of the investigation.

SoS counsel McCowan repeated that the complaint was only about the recount and that election day images, weren't part of the complaint or the investigation.

There's also the question of a type of image authentication called an "SHA file," which shows if the image has been altered.  Every ballot image has one, and it becomes part of the electronic record supposedly kept with the Clerk of the court and the Superintendent of the county.  Every scanned ballot should have generated this file.

Four months ago, with Fulton County officials having refused to allow the paper ballots to be examined, Johnston asked Fulton county officials for the SHA files.  Officials have failed to produce them.

Johnston says state election board rules require each ballot image be accompanied by a SHA file, and that those files are a part of the election record and were supposed to have been retained.  *But within days after the election Fulton county officials had deleted 380,761 ballot images*--a fact that seemed to surprise the county's attorney.  

Counsel McGowan falsely claimed the SHA files didn't have to be retained, but Johnston is correct in quoting the SEB rule that requires the ballot images to be preserved.

Johnston asked McCowan, "Do we need to go to the clerk of the court and examine the electronic file and the physical paper ballots?" McCowan rejected the notion altogether, stating, "No, this has been an exhaustive investigation. We have spent hundreds of man-hours on it.  So we feel like this has been an exhaustive review. We've researched all the documentation *that we need to reach our conclusions."*

This should have been a court order.  Instead the election board is controlled by the Secretary of State's office.  Raffensperger is in on the fix.

In June of last year corrupt board members voted to shut down all further discussion of the fraud complaint, without hearing further evidence.

Board member Sara Gahzal--appointed by the Democrat party--launched into a diatribe loaded with legal buzzwords about how "double jeopardy" applies here [it doesn't] and that an "audit is never intended to have an equal total."

After watching this hearing, it seems that the fix is in:  Once again Democrat operatives are lying to hide evidence that could prove massive election fraud in 2020.  Suggesting the Dems will do exactly the same things this November.



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