Crazy feminist claims men randomly attacking womyn in NYC are all...MAGA supporters!
"Salon" is a far-left, Democrat-fellating waste of electrons. One of its featured writers is a crazy named Amanda Marcotte, who makes people like AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Rashida Tlaib look rational. every single indicator of the quality of life in America plummets, and more voters are blaming the corruptocrat in the White House, Amanda and her editors at Salon have been forced to search for a new meme to scare voters away from Trump--and they've found it.
If you read New York websites (you most likely don't) you may have seen dozens of videos of black males in the leftist shithole of NYC punching random women on the sidewalk. Many of the attackers turn out to be clearly drugged out or crazy, but Amanda has found what she claims is the REAL link between the attacks. Here's Salon's headline to her absurd propaganda piece:
"Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA"Didja get that, citizen? Amanda (and Salon) bleat that these random attacks are actually being done by...wait for it...angry MAGA supporters.
And because Salon is one of the disseminators of Dem talking points, you can expect this utter horseshit to be echoed by every other Mainstream Media outlet--because it makes independent voters less likely to vote for Trump (which is the whole purpose).
Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these stories, much is unknown, including how many [attackers] are involved and whether it's at all coordinated. But what we do know is alarming: Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages.
Really? I follow NYC media closely and have yet to see a single report of a white male attacking a random woman. And you can bet that if there was one, the Lying Media would put it on Page One.
It's not surprising that these stories have gone viral. Most women have experience with men who berate them for paying attention to something other than [him]. That often manifests as men infuriated by women who are looking at their phones.
This is total fabrication--derangement-- by Marcotte, and a glimpse into how far her leftist editors will go to publish the most insane horseshit if it will persuade a dozen voters not to vote for Trump.
Whatever the excuse the angry man concocts, the impetus is always the same: The eyes of a woman are directed at someone or something that is not him, and he is indignant over it. So he will make sure she has no choice but to look at him, either by getting in her face or — in these alarming New York cases — punching her. If he cannot capture her adoring gaze, well, he will make her stare at him in fear.
No. The attackers are either crazy or drugged out (not much difference). But Amanda's prose is SO convincing, eh?
These stories resonate because the nation is [seeing] increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.
I wonder if Amanda has bothered trying to interview the tiny number of jailed random attackers to ask what motivated them. Answer: she hasn't. She's found her "plausible" meme and she's running with it.
We see it in the rise of "tradwives" online...
If you live in a flyover state you may not be familiar with the term "trad-wives." It's the hip sneer by feminist Democrat "women" for "traditional" wives--women who want to raise families. See, to hip feminist "pyrsyns" this is an epithet: they hate the idea of women raising kids, claiming that "caters to the patriarchy." Cool liberal womyn wanna be just like Amanda Marcotte.
...or MAGA pundits telling lies about birth control, in hopes of tricking women into having babies before they're ready. Or conservatives writing op-eds that blame women for male loneliness, telling women they must self-sacrifice to relieve male pain by marrying Donald Trump voters.
To Marcotte and Salon that last line is the goal: blame Trump for everything, including the random attacks by black druggies and crazies on women in NYC and imaginary op-eds be conservatives telling women they must marry Trump voters!
Both those are utter horseshit--yet to every Democrat and half of independent voters both bleats sound totally plausible.
And sure enough, many opinion polls now claim the race for the presidency is either tied or within a percent. Say, you don't think the polls would lie, do ya?
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